Loop Hero sold 500,000 copies in the first week

Loop Hero sold 500,000 copies in the first week

The developers Four Quarters announced that the building and the pit of the well, Loop Hero, sold 500,000 copies in the first week. Along with celebrating the success, they have unveiled some of their plans to enhance the loop with extra features. They plan to start some life changes and bigger changes like new classes.

Valheim sold 3 million copies

Valheim sold 3 million copies

Welcome back in another round of big numbers for Valheim, the latest little indie game that could. Iron Gate Studio’s survival-y craft-y viking game sold one million copies in the first week, two million in less than two weeks, and now three million just days later. Impressed as I am, I’m playing with Valheim now rather than telling you about his sales figures, so I’ve done us all a favor and predicted the next few milestones. You are welcome.