Valheim sold 3 million copies

Welcome back in another round of big numbers for Valheim, the latest little indie game that could. Iron Gate Studio’s survival-y craft-y viking game sold one million copies in the first week, two million in less than two weeks, and now three million just days later. Impressed as I am, I’m playing with Valheim now rather than telling you about his sales figures, so I’ve done us all a favor and predicted the next few milestones. You are welcome.

Iron Gate announced that as of today, Valheim has sold more than three million copies and garnered more than 60,000 user reviews on Steam. According to them, it reached a peak of 147 000 viewers on Twitch on Wednesday. I can not imagine that the small studio at the launch could expect this level of popularity.

“We’ve always been working on the assumption that the EA launch would be somewhat successful, so I don’t think that’s really changing our plans,” said Iron Gate CEO Richard Svensson. “Except maybe we can afford a bigger office now.” Maybe they can build an entire longhouse, right?

After suddenly dominating Valheim, I suspect Svensson may no longer have things to say about every milestone. So I want to save both of them from becoming Valheim outlets, and I’ve made a plan for Valheim’s sales for the next two months. Next time, if you’re curious about how many copies Valheim has sold, check it out. This is a certain correct projection because I made it in Microsoft Excel.

As you can see here, Valheim will achieve about four million sales this weekend while I try to build my very first longship. It has eight million at my birthday in early March. As a birthday present I will just show you all on this post instead of writing a new one. Valheim will double it to 16 million about a month later in April.

valheim sales projection very official.jpg

I dare you to do better, and by “dare” I mean “beg” because I am not a professional.

Now I would like to give you a full projection for the entire next year of Valheim’s sales, but my Excel skills are rudimentary and I could not convince the thing to make increasingly speculative projections based on my small, slightly manufactured dataset. not. I have to finish this post before it becomes irrelevant if the game gets four million sales. So let’s just use our imagination and say that every person on earth will own a copy by this time?

Aside from the jokes, three million copies sold by a team of five for an early entry game is a real achievement. Having now jumped myself for a bit of viking, I will not be upset. The early morning hours gave me the feeling of Minecraft around 2014 when all my friends were moving around on servers and building wooden houses and generally enjoying being all in the same game at the same time. It scratches the itch that three million of us have apparently not shaken completely.

If you’ve jumped in recently, like me, check out RPS ‘Valheim tips.
