The Working Group on Sexual Harassment wants government to resign Andrew Cuomo

A group against sexual harassment consisting of former state legislators called on the Cuomo government to resign on Saturday following allegations against him.

“ENOUGH. The state of New York has now lost the talents and ambition of another woman whose safety and integrity have been eliminated to serve the desires of a powerful man. Andrew Cuomo must now resign,” the sexual harassment working group said. said in a statement after Cuomo’s ex-assistant Charlotte Bennett accused the governor of behaving inappropriately last year.

Bennett, 25, told The New York Times that the 63-year-old Cuomo complained to her that she was “lonely” and that she could not hug anyone during the pandemic before pushing her on whom she last hugged.

When she revealed her own history of sexual assault to Cuomo, Bennett claimed that his reaction was ‘something out of a horror movie’, the newspaper reported.

Cuomo allegedly kept repeating to Bennett, “You were raped and abused and attacked and assaulted and betrayed,” while looking me straight in the eye … It was as if he was testing me, “she said in a text. told a friend. message viewed by The Times.

Bennett was an executive assistant and health policy adviser.
Charlotte Bennett was an executive assistant and health policy adviser in the Cuomo administration.

Earlier this week, the sexual harassment working group called on the governor after another former staff member, Lindsey Boylan, accused him of trying to kiss her on the mouth and suggested a “strip poker” game.

“There must be an immediate independent inquiry into Governor Cuomo’s work in the workplace, carried out by an entity over which Cuomo has no appointing or supervisory authority,” he said. tweeted the group hours after Boylan emerged.

In Saturday’s statement, the group – formed by seven former Albany staff members who said they were harassed by former MEPs Vito Lopez and Micah Kellner, among others – offered the words of encouragement to Bennett.

“To Charlotte: we send you our strength, support and shared anger for the abuse you endured,” the group wrote. ‘You did an incredibly hard thing and became another key link in a powerful chain to create a harassment-free Albany. This is not something anyone is asking for, but we are proud of you. ‘
