Yaku Pérez hopes that the CNE will make its animals more complete, but this is not a cure | Politics | Notice
Andrés Arauz returns the election agenda in the United States and laments that the CNE has not reached an agreement | Politics | Notice
Guillermo Lasso confirms that you are advertising the photos, the CNE debería proclamar primero los resultados | Politics | Notice
Medida cautelar prohíbe al CNE vernietig 6 millone papeletas impresas con un error, hassta que terminen officiale los comicios nacionales | Politics | Notice
Parlamento Europeo is that desmercó of that observation of the CNE election series in Ecuador | Politics | Notice
Evo Morales in Hugo Chávez’s Acaudalada hijacked in Ecuador’s elections with false information, cleared by the CNE | Ecuador | Notice
TCE notice to CNE of the existence of pending causes for presidential binomials; Social Justice, career leader of the Presidency of the Republic | Politics | Notice