Guillermo Lasso confirms that you are advertising the photos, the CNE debería proclamar primero los resultados | Politics | Notice

The aspirant stated that he did not withdraw from the agreement with Yaku Pérez.

The presidential candidate for the CREO-PSC alliance, Guillermo Lasso, joined this election in the Electoral Delegation of Santa Elena, written by the President of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Diana Atamaint, and each indication of the participation is a participation of the agreement reached with its political opponent Yaku Pérez, of Pachakutik, to mention various lines that must be completed in order to follow its course and constitute in the Code of Democracy.

Lasso indicates that the CNE must proclaim the results of the first electoral exercise “without prejudice to the impugned correspondents who are presenting in accordance with the Law, as well as the vigilance and execution of the agreement between candidates as they read”.

In addition, it ratified the agreement to open 100% of the ballot boxes in the province of Guayas, and 50% in Los Ríos, Manabí, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Pichincha and Bolívar, in case there is consensus among the candidates.

“I appear unofficial and a time loss opens the 50% of the ballot boxes of the other 9 provinces that unilaterally elected the senator (Yaku) Pérez, and that in them I am very proud and I accept this result”, said Lasso, who ratified his participation in the agreement. Although it should be amplified to the aspiring presidential demons.

The petitioner who did not interrupt the custodian chain of the ballot boxes and who passed through the Armored Forces and the National Police fired the protection to the observers, press and participants in the process of revising the votes.

I would also like to thank the CNE for demonstrating the sufficient amount of people and economic resources to complete this process.

“What he also clarified was that he was impugned and / or appealed, according to the right-wing correspondence, any act of the CNE resolution that violates the law expresses or pretends to be impressive procedures that are not agreed upon by the Presidency candidates,” he concluded.

As far as Avanza’s candidate, Isidro Romero, is concerned – I’ve found a colgado video in his social speeches- which is also included in this poll. “I sent a card to the CNE, which was submitted by my party Avanza, so that we too are included in this vote and vote,” it indicated.

The CNE is required to hold a monthly session to approve the instruction and chronogram for the revision of the votes. (I)
