Medida cautelar prohíbe al CNE vernietig 6 millone papeletas impresas con un error, hassta que terminen officiale los comicios nacionales | Politics | Notice

Quito –

A medida cautelar pesa sobre el Electoral National Council (CNE) what is forbiddendestroy, deshacer, incinerate u occultar “the binomials of Binomio Presidential for the general elections of this February 7, which are printed with an error in the identification of a political organization.

The juez David Suasnavas Fonseca, of the Family Judicial Unit, Niñez and Adolescence of Pichincha dictated the passage 3 of February a medi cautelar solicited by María del Carmen Alman Corozo, who is a candidate to assemble the movement Democratic Center, in the province of Guayas.

The magistrate disposes to the CNE the ban on taking any medium that enshrines the destruction of the 6,244,000 Binomial Presidential papers that the CNE sent to print on Military Geographical Institute (IGM) and how tenian an error in the identification in the case of the logo of the political movement Amigo, and that in his place is colloquial Mejor Ec.

It was also ordered that these documents be kept under guardianship and vigilance by the National Police, in coordination with the Armed Forces, which shall conclude the general elections.

It is hoped that the final results will be proclaimed, “especially with respect to the dignity of the President of the Republic”.

The President of the CNE, Diana Atamaint has stated that these documents are subject to the custody of the Fuerzas Armadas, and that he has submitted to the Contraloría General del Estado to carry out an audit in order to determine the respective responsibilities that will not lead to this error. (I)
