TCE notice to CNE of the existence of pending causes for presidential binomials; Social Justice, career leader of the Presidency of the Republic | Politics | Notice

Quito –

Last December 27, the Tribunal Contencioso Electoral (TCE) certificaat al Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) que no existen causa pendientes por resolver para las dignidades de presidente und vicepresidente of la República en el CNE se baso en este documento par enviar el art of the presidential binomial paper at the Military Geographical Institute (IGM) at the end of which initiated the printing process.

The certification is from a payment made by the CNE on December 25th. The document of four hojas includes these and their lists (the one that is about the Freedom Movement and the People that has been annulled by the Electoral Register).

Between the ten and six that stand, there is the Alliance CREO 21 – PSC 6 with the binomial Guillermo Lasso and Alfredo Borrero, and the Alliance 1 – 5 Union for the hope of the binomio Andrés Arauz and Carlos Rabascall, for which also the TCE certificate what results are given by the high electoral justice body.

Asi, Social Justice will officially conduct the electoral contingent for the dignity of President and Vice-President of the Republic. Although his attorneys, Silka Sánchez and Geraldine Martín applied for the certification and signaled, among other things, that this “procedural fraud” series was because all the electoral reasons for issuing a certificate were not cleared.

Martin, in the end, argued that the appeal should be based on a CNE resolution calling for the impediment to participate in candidates with Andean parliamentarians. (I)
