Romina, niurka’s henna, received the implants; recognize that is operated by social pressure

Romina Marcos, the niece of Niurka, shared with her social media followers the “liberating” decision to receive implants from senos that were removed when she was 20 years old.

The youtuber posted a photo showing the implants and confessed that the homeless had made one of the best decisions he had made in his life, and admitted that he was pissed because at that moment he felt social pressure.

“I have quite the implants. I have one of the best decisions of my life, definitely not the same as the woman of 20 years who by operating a social decision and throwing more bubbles (because she is ten), she is that nadie can more decide about my body and that there is no connection that is like nadie, not compare with nadie, that my body is my hogar, that I lie of peace. Physical and emotional freedom that is now in the cambio by nada. Thank you , gracias, gracias @ dr.ricardonaderoficial el mejor doctor y como te lo digo siempre ‘tu salvas vidas’ “, se lee.

Romina agrees with his followers that if he thinks of making a change in the body, it is for him to feel better, more secure, and not the other way around.

“Everything that decides to do in your body that it is WHERE YOU WANT and remember that it must always be that you feel good and that you help feel more secure @, if you do the opposite, it is not good”.

In its YouTube channel, it responds that users will focus on the theme, in the video that has the effects that the implants are used, such as cleft palate, body, head and repellent loss of space.

Actresses like Michelle Renaud and Carmen Aub also opt to record the implants of seno.


  • Romina Marcos
  • Model
  • Niurka Marcos
  • Followers
  • Implants
  • Senos
  • Cirugia
  • Social pressure
  • Actress
