Olvid’s interior la ropa: Angelina Jolie is our woman’s sueos

The Queen of Hollywood Crowns, Angelina Jolie, lleva ms de 2 dcadas siendo la duea indiscutida de los sueos de los cinfilos del mundo. With a career built on the basis of contemporary cinematographic works such as The Collection of Houses, Vidas Ajenas, Alejandro Magno or Inocencia Interrumpida; the actress was staying inside the Hollywood Olympics.

Pero ms all de su gran carrera detrs de las cmaras, la ex esposa de Brad Pitt, always distinguished by its character and provocative personality that alteraba the status quo of Hollywood. In its own words, it explains its way of enlivening life: Always looking for freedom, and if it can succeed in doing so, it really does not prudence. I want to do things that intimidate me and help me.

