Analyzing the Attention of Security Agencies and Crimes by Identity of Gender and Sexual Orientation

The Senate approves a resolution that the Commission of Human Rights and Labor Assistants investigates which mediators and / or protocols are implanted in the Negotiations of the Police of Puerto Rico, the Department of Justice and the Office of the Administration of Tribunals, to guarantee that the crimes are motivated by the gender identity and sexual orientation of the victims of the crime, are classified and awaited in accordance with the circumstances, as well as any other initiative that guarantees a dignity to the victims and promotes a mayoral conscience.

Treated by the Resolution of Senate 78, the authority of senators, Maria de Lourdes Santiago, Rafael Bernabe, Ana Irma Rivera Lassen, Ada García Montes and Rubén Soto Rivera.

“This medium is translated into audio crimes. It must be known what can be done and what is not needed. “All the components of justice are benefiting from this investigation to address the issue of audio crime,” Rivera Lassén said.

The recommendation:

Between the months approved during the Monday session, the Senate Project 59 will be held, to declare the month of September each year as the “Months of the Alzheimer’s Concession” and the 21st of September each year. Day of the Consciousness of Alzheimer’s, ”with the proposal to educate and raise awareness about citizenship in this field; el Sustitutivo del Proyecto del Senado 5, para add Article 7, Article 8 and amend Article 3 of the Law 113-2012, known as the “Law of the Guarantee Guides Program for Veterans-Due to Small Negotiations”, to the end of impulsive empresarius between veterans and veterans residing in Puerto Rico; la Resolution of Senado 74, to order the Economic Development Commission, Consumer Services and Consumers Services to conduct an investigation into the management carried out by the Puerto Rican Land Administration with respect to the construction and redevelopment of Hotel Bae; and Resolution of Senado 92, to carry out an exhaustive investigation into the working conditions of the public servants of the Administration of the Socio-Economic Development of the Family.
