‘You’re the arsonist here’: fiery debate between NBC host, GOP senator

“You’re the arsonist here,” Todd told Johnson in a discussion of election fraud battles. “President Trump is the arsonist here. You lit this fire and now you say, look at this, oh my god, all these people believe what we told them because you did not have the courage to tell the truth that this election was fair. ‘

Johnson responded by accusing the mainstream media of working throughout his government to overthrow Trump. “This fire was re-established in January 2017,” he said.

Both told each other that they had “had enough” of the arguments, but then quickly circled back to them.

Todd said Johnson “has spent a lot of conspiratorial water for President Trump over the past two years,” and Todd asked Johnson if his efforts to fight the election college certification were “a cynical political ploy.” ‘

“I’m trying to be transparent,” Johnson said before quoting an unconfirmed allegation of Nevada election fraud.

“Just because you have someone who says it did not make it true,” Todd told him, adding later: “You have to ask yourself if you tell people a million times that something was stolen or something was fraudulent, and then they believe it, I think you should look in the mirror. ‘

Johnson returned to a media attack: “I did not criticize Democrats when they talked about possible voting machines, but now it’s quackery and conspiracy theory. That’s the problem, Chuck. There’s a double standard, and we’re not to be transparent and reject the concerns of tens of millions of Americans. Again, I did not light this fire. This fire was lit more than four years ago and … you destroyed the credibility of the news media through your prejudice. “

Todd concluded by thanking Johnson for having the courage to be questioned. ‘Thank you for coming. I appreciate that, ‘he says.
