Why should “cancel” Pepe Le Pew and Speedy Gonzáles of the Looney Tunes

Piden cancels Looney Tunes characters to promote the acoustics and racial stereotypes. Photo: Warner Bros.

Charles M. Blow, columnist of the diary The New York Times, usually writes in his space to denounce acts of racism, discrimination, sexism and other nocturnal demonstrations for the society that is undergoing massive consumer product trajectories, and in its release published on March 3, Blaas hizo refers to the caricatures of the animation producer Warner Bros..

Por Infobae

In his column Six Seuss books had a bias (Seis libros de Seuss tienen prejuicios), the author celebrates the books of celebrity writer Theodore Gessel, Dr. Seuss, as El grinch, El lorax, El Gato en el sombrero, among others, there are circadian circuits that presumably count racist stories, and I approve the context to ensure that during their childhood, there are animated debuts and games to be performed for the nines: of the violin ”.

The author celebrates the health of the market of some books by Dr. Seuss (Photo: Reuters)

Blaas señaló a Pepe Le Pew, die gewilde persona de la saga de Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies, which of the mediados of siglo XX is characterized by perpetuating the stereotype of the “galanes franceses seductores” encarnado en un zorrillo en constante búsqueda del amor, quien suele provocate el efekto contrario debido a su fuerte olor y su forma de atosigar a su “presa ”

According to the periodical, the caricature normalizes the culture of the violation and acoso to the invasive assassination of the penitent Penelope Pussycat. And it is the ante the commented derivatives of his column, the author of this sabbath in Twitter the three principal points with which the law came to a conclusion: “Agarra and besa have an extra chic, repeatedly, without consent and against his will; she lucha powerfully to get rid of her, but she will not release and close a door to prevent her from escaping ”.

Agree with the opinion of the periodical “is to help teach the nines that ‘no’ in reality does not mean that it is part of the ‘game’, the line of part of a lucha by the power”, And agrees that“ the physical objects of a woman are normal, adorable, graceful. Ni siquiera le dan a la mujer la capacidad de hablar ”.

While Blow’s opinions are widely accepted by the social media, others consider that there is no representation in the French corridor, and that his posture is “exaggerated” only if he is a “being entertained” person.

The theme is full of trends in Twitter this Sunday, March 7, in the face of the global movement of the World Day of the Woman and the actions that prepare various collectives of women in the cities of the world to demand a brake on systematic violence against them.

Pepe Le Pew debuted in 1946 in the tales of Merrie Melodies (Photo: Warner Bros.)

Charles also wrote in his column that during his childhood, there were animated animations that promoted stereotypical other racial groups, and in this aspect another emblematic character of the Warner Bros. fue señalado como ya lo había estate anteriormente: “Vinnige Gonzales, cuyos amigos ayudaron a popularize the corrosive stereotype of the Mexican borrachos and letargicos; and Mammy Two Shoes, a black and corpse-like creature working with a strong accent”, Author’s Description.

“The racism must be exorcised by the culture, inclusive, or rather by the infantile culture,” Blow indicated in his column.

It is not the first time that Mexican ratoncito has been allowed to perpetuate racial stereotypes (Photo: Warner Bros.)

In respect of the controversy of the Mexican ratoncito, the actor from the stadium, Gabriel Iglesias, who performed his voyage at the helm in the new entry of Space jam, next to train, ironic with the accusations against his character: “Does it mean that you also intend to cancel Fluffy? No pueden atraparme. “It’s the fastest rate of all Mexico,” he said.
