Who can translate to Amanda Gorman? | Culture

Amanda Gorman, during his speech at the inauguration ceremony of EE UU President Joe Biden on the 20th of January.
Amanda Gorman, during his speech at the inauguration ceremony of EE UU President Joe Biden on the 20th of January.Rob Carr / EL PAÍS

The poet Victor Obiols is not female, neither black nor activist. To complete these requisites, Obiols does not translate to Catalan The hill we climb, the poem that Amanda Gorman read on the 20th of January in the chair of the presidency of the EE UU, Joe Biden, made an announcement about this in social speeches and confirmed his editorial, Univers. The alternative offered by the Catalan cello, in the hope of being accepted by the author’s literary agents, is the gerundense María Cabrera. Amén de mujer de 38 años y opvallende poeta a la que han musicado des de elrup group Manel a Sílvia Pérez Cruz, participat en el cororal poetario Ningú no ens representa. Poetes emprenyats operated through the 15-M movement of 2011.

Catalan editors receive the letter on Monday, in the presence of Gorman’s representatives, who are asking for another profile of a translator who will collect his book by not meeting the features that “preferably” consider that Deben poses to find others to his compositions. Desde Univers has admitted that he did not disclose the firm to the contract with Gorman’s representatives The tower that enfilem (The hill we ascend). pesar de ello, “ya nos hicieron saber que tuviéramos en cuente que se recomendaba que quien la tradujera fuera o mujer joven o de afrianes africanos o que tuviera un profil activista”, reconocen fuentes de la editorial, que negocian con los representatives de Gorman en España, RDC Agencia Literaria, que este jueves no pudieron ser localtados par EL PAÍS. The apoesta of the Catalan cello, without embarrassment, fue el curtido and reconocido Obiols, award-winning poet of 60 years, musician (Víctor Bocanegra) and translator, among others, of Shakespeare, Wilde and Max Porter. “Undoubtedly, we appreciate the best way to reach professionalism and sensibility in this text,” argued Universe Fuentes, who hopes to launch the book on April 8 and print 5,000 copies, including the triple of the Catalan media release.

Although the professional obiols curriculum of Obiols is also inquired by EE UU as “if it collaborates with its activist in any organization”, it does not appear that hub will veto some, because the translator initiated his work three weeks ago and ya la había concluido. The work will take place this week, as soon as the February final of a controversy over the translation of The hill we climb jw.org by Holanda. The Meulenhoff cello elected a post writer, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, the most young person (29 years) and the first native of the Netherlands to win the prestigious Booker International award with his first novel, The nightmare. White and gender are not binary (are not perceived as male or female), have been accepted by Gorman and his team. Pero un Janice Deul article, black Dutch-based activist and activist, was given an “incomprehensible” rating that was not chosen by a translator who, like Gorman, was an “artist of spoken word, joven y orgullosamente negra ”, generated a polemical agreement that paid off with Rijneveld’s renunciation of the translation.

“Like the Dutch, he is the victim of the new Inquisition (…) Tendré que buscar betun”, assured between the acidity and the soren Obiols in his Twitter account, which from the markets has been restricted. “Quizá lo que ha ocurrido con la Catalan translation is related to the episode in the Holland episode”, according to Lola Albornoz, editor of Lumen, which will be published in Castellano as Gorman’s inaugural poem on April 8, as his first poetario -which will be included The cup...- en septiembre (Univers también lo hará, en catalán), así como su unico libro infantil, The song of the change, in October.

Identity discourse

In his case, there were no problems with the translator’s proposal, the midwife Nuria Barrios, who had a separate curriculum (fourth in Castellano’s John Banville and James Joyce), did not meet any of the requirements required by Gorman’s team. “Hicimos la propuesta a principios de enero”, recalls Albornoz para quizá explican la ausensica de indications de Gorman al respecto. “The only thing we’re reading is that we’ve been pissed off in his biography that he lives in Madrid,” said the editor of Lumen, who, by another way, considers that “it seems that an author wants to approve his translator, in the same way.” which is approved or not a cover; es más, ocurre a menudo que los contractra specifiquen que quieren ver la traduction o tener la potestad de corregirla ”.

Albornoz admits: “No sé si es normal; a mí, no me ha pasado nunca ”, about the need for a translator of concepts related to the literary or editorial restriction, but I believe that Gorman’s solicitation can be felt in this case because the topics of their petitions are in the DNA unlike his poetic work and his most comprehensible landscapes like EE UU in the Netherlands, he has a special awareness of the existing racial conflict ”. Lumen, which has the book in print, will have between 6,000 and 8,000 copies.

‘Deul has triumphed. The triumph of Deul is catastrophic. It is the victory of the discourse that identifies front to the freedom of creation ”, said Barrios in an article published in EL PAÍS. And it’s the complexity and matics of the discussion that abides by Gorman’s preferences and his team is included in the sector of the Translators’ Association in the Collegiate Association of Writers. “There are very different opinions,” acknowledged the president of ACE Traductores, Vicente Fernández, for whom, in this case, “because he, more than a translator, is looking for a brand, even if he can have this brand”, he assured A European Press. For the representative of the translators (medio millar de toda España), “can not be agreed with the idea that in order to translate algaien haya necesariamento tener unas characteristicals personal, biologic or raciales, porque entonces no podríamos translate to Heró it is believed that the political or social circuits of a sector to increase visibility can make positive discrimination acceptable ”.
