West Coast Covid-19 variant is now the dominant tribe in California – deadline

When California Governor Gavin Newsom gave one of his regular updates on the Covid-19 last Wednesday, he expressed surprise at “something that not many people pay attention to.” That ‘something’ is the growth of the so-called West Coast variant of Covid-19.

Newsom and his surrogates, to their credit, regularly provided information on the growth of the variant. The deadline reported that dr. Mark Ghaly, director of health and human services at CA, reported in early February that the state had discovered 1,000 cases of the West Coast variant, which are actually two similar variants, called B.1.427 / B.1.429 or CAL2.0C. .

The following week, Newsom reported that the number of identified cases of B.1.427 / B.1.429 had risen by 20% to 1,200. Last week, when he expressed his surprise at the lack of coverage, the governor noted a further jump of 50% to 1834 cases. But these numbers were only a fraction of the actual numbers. Genomic testing is needed to identify new variants from samples, and it is expensive.

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At the beginning of January, the state conducted more than 30 million tests of Covid-19. According to the San Jose Mercury News, of these ten million, only about 7,000 genomics have been analyzed. Los Angeles County, in turn, is only a few dozen test samples genomic each day.

According to Dr. Charles Chiu, a virologist and professor of laboratory medicine at UCSF, who wrote a new study analyzed by the Los Angeles Times, CAL2.0C increased to explain more than half of the cases in the state and could be the source. by the end of March of 90% of state affairs.

What’s worse, the dr. Chiu told the New York Times on Tuesday that infections of the variant have a double viral load than those of other variants. CAL2.0C also seems lucrative to evade the immune system. Consequently, according to Chiu, the cases caused by the variant double every 18 days.

While the more contagious British variant of the virus is also spreading in the state, it seems to be slowing down. But the two variants can merge.

From LAT:

The UK and California variants are each armed with improved capabilities, and the likelihood of them spreading to the same population increases the spectacle of a return to infections and deaths, Chiu said. It also opens the door to a “nightmare scenario”: that the two viruses will meet in a single person, swap their mutations and create an even more dangerous strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Eric Vail, the director of molecular pathology at Cedars-Sinai, told The New York Times in early February that CAL.20C may have played a role in the increase in cases that overwhelmed hospitals in Southern California earlier this month. “I’m pretty confident that it’s a more contagious strain of the virus,” said Dr. Vail said.

“At least 50% of our samples showed the West Coast variant,” Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in LA, said last week, before hedging that “more research needs to be done.”

That research can confirm what emerges from one small sample: the West Coast variant is not only more transmissible, but also more virulent.

Dr. Chiu studied the medical history of 324 people hospitalized in UCSF and found that those infected with CAL2.0C were more likely to be admitted to the ICU and that they would die 11 times more.

This is again a very small sample and requires more research. But if nothing else, the indications from Chiu’s research call for geoscientific tests of Covid-19 sames to be significantly increased, and for the state to reopen, but also to be careful.
