“We care about Latifa’s security”, doubles the friend of the Princess of Dubai has lost contact with her | Video

The Princess of Dubai, Sheikha Latifa, confirmed in a video transmitted by the BBC that she was being held by a family member “who was converted into a prisoner” without access to medical assistance. He is the daughter of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Emir of Dubai and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates. Intended to take part in the extranjero in 2018 and will be staying for the last time in March of this year on board a yate, ahead of the Indian security and emirates security forces in the wake of regression in Dubai. CNN did not verify the format independent of the video and the que que aparece Latifa y espera comentarios del Gobierno de Dubai. For its part, the Working Group on Displaced Persons and Volunteers of the UN informs that it is analyzing the case. Meanwhile, the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the United Kingdom has issued a statement stating that he had expressed his concern for the Latifian welfare state, “that the coverage of the media does not reflect the real situation”. Además, said that “his family has confirmed that the princess is waiting at his home with medical assistance” and that “she hopes to be alive in the moment of need”. Guillermo Arduino interviewed Tiina Jauhiainen, a friend of the Princess of Dubai, who made sure to help filter the grabs made in April 2019 and explain why she was preoccupied with her. MORE: “Liberen to Latifa”, asks the friend of the Princess of Dubai to demand the action of the international community
