WandaVision Director: ‘Many people’ to be ‘disappointed’ by Finale

With so many fan theories permeating, it’s impossible for the final “WandaVision” to satisfy every viewer.

The final “WandaVision” is fast approaching, and with it comes the heavenly pressure to deliver the plethora of theories of fans generated over the past eight episodes. It’s almost impossible for a television series run by fan theories to please all viewers (just ask the teams behind ‘Lost’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ to begin with), so director Matt Wakman, director of’ WandaVision ‘, already haunting for disappointment by fans. . In an interview with Entertainment weekly Shakman says he expects many fans to be disappointed with how some fan theories stand out (or are not addressed), but he hopes the ending will feel consistent with the series as a whole.

“I hope they feel the journey has been satisfying for them,” Shakman said when asked what he hopes viewers take away from the ‘WandaVision finale. ‘I know there are so many theories out there; there will be many people who will no doubt be disappointed by some theory. But we always tell this story about Wanda dealing with grief and learning how to accept the loss, and hopefully people will find that the finale is surprising but also satisfying, and that it feels inevitable because it is the same story they watched. the whole time.”

While the series’ eighth episode confirms anything but an action-driven climax under Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen), Agatha (Kathryn Hahn) and White Vision (Paul Bettany), Shakman assures fans that the show will end by putting the heart first fists.

“What keeps everything together is that it has a big heart,” the director said. ‘It’s a love story, it’s a story of loss, and I think it’s even more resonant in this crazy pandemic we’re all trying to survive now. I think we can all understand where Wanda comes from, so it helps to find some more resonance. ”

While the show evolved from its sitcom tributes and had the look and feel of a traditional Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, Shakman said it was of utmost importance to address Wanda’s struggle with sadness in the program’s storytelling. prioritize.

‘[Elizabeth Olsen] “Many realized that Wanda had experienced more loss than anyone else in the Marvel universe,” Shakman said. ‘She lost her parents, she lost her brother, she lost the love of her life, and she’s right on point. In some ways, [Wanda is] as close as Marvel mentally examines mental illness, how do you keep your reality together when you are constantly experiencing so much trauma? She uses it so beautifully. ‘

The first eight episodes of “WandaVision” are now available to stream on Disney +. The ninth and final installment of the season appears on Friday, March 5th.

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