Vision and cerebral palsy loss: The sequels Demi Lovato suffers from his overdose | Gente | Maintenance

The pop star Demi Lovato revealed why she never saw the wheel of a car.

El miércoles, la cantante y Michael D. Ratner, director of Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil, joins the Television Critics Association for a panel on the documentary approach.

During the charla, the star of the pop explained as the movie revolves around the real consequences of its sober dose of fatal drugs that happened in July of 2018, and aggregate that the “cerebral day” that sufrió at this moment has the effect has the day of high .

“Do not drive a car, because I have sharp points in my vision”, verklarning. “And also, for a long time, it cost me a lot of leer … Fue un gras cosu cuando pude leer un libro, que fue com dos mes después, porque mi visa estaba muy borrosa”.

Although these health problems are present, Demi expressed his gratitude because he served as a recorder “of what could happen if some wanted to enter an dark place”.

Además, the ex star of Disney Channel Recognition that the secondary effects can be had by peors. Ella dijo: “I would like to be praised by our recorders, but I would like you to be kind enough not to have to do a lot of rehabilitation. Lego rehabilitation in the emotional lad”.

Aun así, Demi dijo que “no cambiaría nada” de lo que ha pasado en su vida.

“All you have to do is succeed in learning the lessons you learned. It’s a painful journey, I’m tired of going back and forth I feel sad when I think of the pain that you have to support to overcome what I have, but do not hurt me ”.

Demi Lovato

This is the second time that the singer creates a documentary about his words to be sober. It was written by first time about looking for information in the documentary Simply complicated of 2017.

Although there is little recourse to the stratum of the pelica, the star dijo that finds to share its history with others. “I’m responsible”, shares the interpretation of Ice cold. “I learned a lot from my past. Estuary sobering lasts six years and learns a lot from this journey. And the main thing that I learned from this journey was to advance and get rid of my story, I was responsible for it for six years. It’s a great reason why I’m having this, because I’ve been very sorry about the crime that I’m really experimenting with and because I’m really excited to share it with the people. (E)
