Violent protesters march on the Capitol in protest of Trump’s favor and against the election result

The session of the United States Congress to realize the final content of the electoral votes, confirming the victory of Joe Biden as President-elect and to be a protocol act, was dispersed despite the fact that protesters were violating a radical protest in favor of Donald Trump in the Capitol.

The vandals – some of the armed men – are attacking the capital police, Washington DC, and barricades and windows. Ambassadors to the Congressional Chamber of Deputies and various legislators, including Vice President Mike Pence, fueron evacuated or lifted to safe places, según autoridades.

Integroes of the group violenceo lograron enter the plenum of the rooms of both rooms and including tomaron photos about the road.

For now, there’s a personal result – herida de bala dentro del Capitolio, the NBC News, cadena hermana de Noticias Telemundo.

Washington DC Police, with disarmed arms, intend to protect the Chamber of Deputies’ chamber after the pro-Trump violent riot.AP /

The Washington DC authorities will also issue a token from 6:00 p.m., this time, to the violent actions, in the help of the National Guard. Without embargo, Washington DC is not like other states, but a governor can refer to the guard: in the capital it is necessary that it be convened by the president.

The President-elect, Donald Trump, who summoned the protesters after promising that “nothing will happen” has been lost in November, launched a short message to its followers who are “mantengan pacific”.

Although there are antecedents, during his speech in the march called “Save America” ​​(Salvemos a Estados Unidos, in English), Trump fired – a los manifestantes a ir hacia el Capitolio.

Asi hicieron: hacia el mediodía scientos de ellos corrieron hacia el edification of sede del legislative power.

As long as the violent movement against the legislature is under way, Vice President Pence has issued a card indicating that the Constitution will act in a “one-sided” manner to withdraw the result and confirm it at the congressional session.

This is what some of the protesters are looking for, as well as some congressmen who are planning to vote on the electoral votes certified by states such as Arizona and Pennsylvania.

Police officials intend to pay attention to the pro-Trump rallies reuniting with the Capitol on January 6. Some of the protesters will not be affected by the change.AP /

[Pese a las acciones legales republicanas y las denuncias de Trump, no existen evidencias de fraude generalizado]

Despite the fact that Pence issued his card, Trump stated that he considered “lack of courage” as his vice president. Trump also filed a lawsuit against Republican congressmen who did not support the allegations of electoral fraud, which llamó “Lider debéiles” and “patéticos”.

The leader of the current Republican Mayor in Senate, Mitch McConnell, also spoke in a speech on the premise that a “Predictable” if the Republicans intend to reverse the election result of the Congress.

Pence, in addition to being Vice President and Senate President, is obligated to announce as a candidate the candidate who receives the votes required to convert to President, and is not in a position to count the electoral votes assigned.

Joe Biden, with 306 votes from the Electoral College and a majority in the popular vote, is the winner of the November 3 elections. Sondeverbod, Trump and some of his sympathizers have argued that he is a superstitious fraud.

These allegations have been rejected by state legislatures and tribunals with judges like Republicans like Democrats. None of the legal questions presented by Trump’s team prove that they are trying to cover up the fraud.

Trump’s followers are listening to a speech during the March 6 “Save America” ​​march.AP

Since March night, there have been several arrests in Washington DC in the wake of Trump’s radical protest in favor of Trump.

Six people fueron arrested and denounced by multiple cargos, como carry arms without license, the position of ammunition in registers and was accused of joining a police officer.

The demonstrations in support of the President will meet with a series of conservatives and will draw crowds who will travel to the capital of the nation before the votes of the Electoral College votes this Wednesday.
