Vinculan sues Eduardo ‘N’, led by aggressor Daniela Berriel

Luego de la audience who is on the verge of spending the day in Acapulco, Guerrero, the actress Daniela Berriel God knows what Eduardo ‘N’ fue vinculado a process and will be free from his liberty for all in case of imprisonment.

We record that Danny denounced that he had a year ago on the part of Eduardo, who is the actor’s friend Gonzalo Peña, entents claims of the también television conductor.

Aun aoo las presuntas aggression en contra de su voluntead, Daniela agradece el apoyo recibido por parte de sus abogados, las autoridades y todas las mujeres que alzaron la voz para su presunto aggressor no fuera poesto en libertad.

The actress is happy.

And yes, there are antecedents from Danny’s audience about the girl who felt the possibility that Eduardo ‘N’ would be released on influence from influencers. Prohibition of probes, “I had one year ago when I received the notice that my aggressor, Eduardo O fue, was arrested in the process. encircled, revelo Berriel.

Cree en la justicia.

Furthermore, Sergio Mayer confirms the notice with a message about his social speeches: “March 14th on an important day for the victim of sexual abuse, especially in the case of Danny Berriel. I’ve been wondering since the 3rd of the season that Eduardo ‘N”s is being sued.

It is not necessary to say that it is guilty, but to find sufficient elements to open the investigation carpet and that he lives in the process of the indictment, I would like to congratulate Danny on holding the value of having the vote and having the right to denounce it.

And in the future of Gonzalo Peña, “todavía falta el proceso para Gonzalo ‘N’, but good, it’s working on them, congratulations. Thanks to the authorities, to the Guerrero fiscal for the work that is being done, a speedy abrasion “, concludes Mayer.

No quiet area.
