Vicente Fernández is denounced for sexual abuse | Gente | Maintenance

City of Mexico –

La kantante Lupita Castro denounce this Wednesday that he rancher vocalist Vicente Fernández abused by her, with what unites in the stories of acos that little by little is published in torno to the Mexican idol.

After, according to the Castro property, he intends to tell his story in various programs, participating in this virtual way of life in one of the mexicoamericana national television on account of which, when she was 17 years old, the iconic singer had been abused by her.

In the last few weeks, videos have been filtered that can be viewed by Fernández while the following series of photos were taken with him and that were reported to have superior access to his part during visits to the ranch.

The first joven to share his experience, the principles of January, published the instant and comment that the principle does not have to pedal the photograph, but when noto la mano se sintió “violence”. After that, there are five other women who can sign up for it.

“Well, it’s his five … I’ve got to call him if you were molested, he’s aggrieved or he’s feeling uncomfortable because he’s had someone feel uncomfortable and is not guilty. It’s good that the digas porque are not able to make it to other people“,” sang singer Alejandra Guzmán, asking about her support.

On the 25th of January, Fernández is accused of his actions in an interview with the periodical Mara Patricia Castañeda, who has been on his side for some years, and allegation that I do not intend to do so with intent.

“Yo vi la foto y, efectivamente, sí. Yo puse mi mano, primero en el estómago y dije ‘en el stómago se va a sentir ofendida’ y subí mi mano y toman la foto. Pero nunca hice yo así, si algo tengo is respectful of the public “, justified.

Después inseguró extrañar a sus fanáticos y break to lose front to the periodical, that the console and dijo confide in his ignorance.

Without embarrassment, while trying to catch the fugue, the declarations avivaron las llamas: la joven que había subidia primera photograph dijo not accept sus disclospas, y Lupita Castro conto lo que, segun ella, había sufrido con el cantante.

When she was 17 years old and since Fernández has more than 20 mayors, explained the cantante, llevó a cenar y le propuso beber una copa. Ambos is known for her work with her and she has the most confidentiality of the family.

Prohibition of sins, statement Castro, ella se sintió mareada, él la llevó al sillón y “ahí empezó muy fuerte”.

“Como yo estaba muy mareada y él se puso muy pesado, la verdad a mí me dio mucho temor. Yo le dije nee, nee, y lo hizo, ¿cómo se llama eso?”, Terminó la artista. (I)
