Vacancies for all in EE. UU., Mientras Europa comienza a relajar medidas – EEUU – Internacional

EUnited States mark a hito hopeful to vacate at the midst of his adult adult with at least a dose of one anti-inflammatory drugs and commences from this month anocular to all mayors of 18 years.

(Here: The EE Adults. UU. I received an antidote dose)

The United States’ positive news, the most affected country in the world due to the pandemic, surgenes in the flexibility of the restrictions for various European nations and the launch of a travel corridor, a “burbuja“, is located between Australia and New Zealand.

Without embargo, in countries such as India, which provide a record number of emergency cases, authorities are trying to free up hospital beds and insure additional nurses from oxygen and medicines.

The domingo is accounting for more than a quarter of a million new infections in India, and health workers are preparing for new incentives while millions of assistants peregrinos at a religious festival and state elections in recent years large concentrations.

(Además: Spain has 12 square meters, between them Colombia)

Coronavirus in United States

From these months, all 18-year-olds mayors may be admitted to receive the antiquated vaccine.



The coronavirus has killed over three million people worldwide and infected at least 140 million

In Latin America, the pandemic also caused a wave of fire. For example, in Peru, what happened first was the domestic ones 400 decesos in one day, in Ecuador, do not warn the authorities that the situation is “very critical”.

En tanto, en Argentina, which provides an oil of contagious figures without precedents, the debate on physical assistance in schools is tense: Buenos Aires challenges a presidential decree and, with the approval of local justice, mantendrá las open schools the moon.

The coronavirus mato has been up to more than three million people in the world and infected at least 140 million, devastating the world economy and modifying cases all aspects of the daily life since surgeon in China in December 2019.

(Also: The Israelis, aliviados, salen a la calle sin tapabocas anticovid)

Mientras, the advanced advancement in the distant lands and rhythm very dispersed. In the United States, 50.4 per cent of the mayors of 18 years are partly immunized, while the 32.5 per cent are found to be totally vacated, the figure being higher than 65.9 per cent for the majors of 65 years. In total, more than 131.2 million of persons receiving at least one dose in the country.

However, an increase in the number of new cases in the most reputable medical practice in the United States, Anthony Fauci, is to announce the domination that the country will take in a “precarious position”.

Los esfuerzos de la White House to accelerate the vacancies are encountered with an obstacle when the sanitary authorities inform of six cases of young women who develop coagulation alterations after receiving the vacancy Johnson & Johnson. But Fauci predicts that this immunization will soon become a circular, possibly with some restrictions or advertisements about its use.

Coronavirus Europe

The rhythm of evacuation against covid-19 af Europa is not the hope, according to the OMS.

(Puede leer: The world over 3 million deaths by covid-19)

‘Llorar, abrazar, besar’

Australië en Nueva Zelanda vislumbraron la normladad el lunes, cuando se abrió un esperado travel corridor without quarantine. Family members are reunited between Sydney airport airports, while others are being prepared for their first aid kicks in more than a year after New Zealand closes their fronts.

“Voy a gritar, chillar, llorar, abrazar, besar, sentirme feliz, todo a la vez”, dijo a la AFP Denise O’Donoghue, 63 years old, at the Sydney airport when she was released. On a slope of the Wellington airport runway, the words “WelkomE whanau“(bienvenida familia) are written in giant letters.

And Europe, not the panorama, but varios países’ preparation para release a few restrictions sanitarias. This case will take place this week in Belgium, Slovenia, Slovakia, Monaco and Denmark, among others. The Netherlands and France, for their part, plan to reclaim the terraces of cafés a little later, with April fines and Mayo mediators, respectively.

In context: El covid-19 azota a India and medio de agglomeraciones por festival)

Germany claims homage to the 80,000 victims of covid-19 while intensifying the debate over the governing bodies adopted by the Angela Merkel to detain the contagios.

From his barn, Portugal levies the suspension of flights with United Kingdom and Brazil for “essential journeys” and it will be bright for restaurants, shopping malls, secondary schools and universities to stay away from the moon.

Switzerland also conducts the week with a step towards normalcy, with free air permits in restaurants, bars and restaurants, sports facilities and present classes in the repertoire of the universities.

Israel does not allow ordinary tapabocas al aire libre

Families in Israel will approve to be able to immerse themselves in free air, even if the restriction of mascara in open spaces is lifted.

Israel, masquerade book

In Fiyi, the authorities ordainon the cierre de dos ciudades el lunes despet de registrar su first case of communal transmission the covid-19 and 12 months. The Pacific nation’s island nation has, to a large extent, carried the virus through straggling Islamic militia and frontier checks, registering less than 100 cases and killing only 930,000 people.

In Israel, saliad ciudadanos salieron a la calle tapabocas probe, since the only home is mandatory for transport and established establishments. “I am alive, we can live,” commented Eliana, 26 years old. But “you can’t tell if you know anything about it”, bromeó.

Since December, this five million Israelis (53 per cent of the population) receive the dose of vacancy, that is, 80 per cent of the mayor of 20 years, according to official dates. AFP

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