Update your Nvidia drivers for security solutions

Cyberpunk 2077- screenshot with RTX enabled.

Nvidia has released their first new set of graphics drivers for 2021 and no, they do not bring major performance improvements to new new games and make another old game look worse with strange ray traces. No, the 461.09 drivers focus on inconvenient yet important security solutions. However, if you would like to see how high your version is in Windows Mail, these drivers have a disappointing twist for you.

The Nvidia Security Bulletin lists the issues that have been resolved, and 16 issues are rated one at 8.4 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System. Read to me like a 7, wahey.

The new drivers also fix some issues, including the GeForce Experience FPS counter displayed in the Windows Calendar and Mail applications. It was a mistake? Mate, I’m not going to spend six million pounds on a 3090 if you’re not going to tell me how fast it’s FWD: FWD: FWD: emails from my aunt. The calendar criterion has been the basis of my forum signature since 2006.

As always, you can download the drivers via the GeForce Experience software or Nvidia’s website. Check out Nvidia’s 461.09 release notes for everything.

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372fps in Windows Calendar 1440p (RIP forever in our hearts)

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