Unpublished by the pandemic and in the midst of an important security action against possible disturbances: here’s the typical investment ceremony of Joe Biden

Joe Biden and Jill Biden (REUTERS / Callaghan O'Hare)
Joe Biden and Jill Biden (REUTERS / Callaghan O’Hare)

In this day and age especially for the state democracy there are many ambient differences, from the climatic to the clear it is from the social and political. Lluvia dio paso a la caída de algunos copos de nieve para luego salir por momentos el sol, just at the moment of the trial of Joe Biden as the new president.

Since then, in madrugada a periodic periodical of all the world, as well as those that cover the ultimate presidential election, be apostarin in distantas calls and avenidas con la vista puesta en un edification: el Capitolio. Distinctive official caravans and special guests recreate the Washington Center guarded by police motorcycles and patrols.

In this case, very few people are mobilized by the callers; the incidents of possible incidents and the blockades of the 25 mile members of the National Guard coming from all the countries, logarithm, as the organizers queried, that the public does not attend the mediations of the congress.

Tropas de la Guardia Nacional en el Capitolio (AP / J. Scott Applewhite)
Tropas de la Guardia Nacional en el Capitolio (AP / J. Scott Applewhite)

It was an atypical ceremony, at an atypical moment in the country. The stadiums will follow the event on television, but in this event no giant pants will be worn by the city as they have months to follow the content of the vote and in the mediations of the capital the negotiations will take place. Hotels occupied by the press and in the middle by the security forces of tenien the restricted access.

This is added to the concrete walls of a highway and y more than two metro stations with hints of puas, that lograron that casi nadie will take part in the ceremony. The more than half a dozen buildings of the majestic Capitol National Estate are deserted as if they were dealing with a zombie movie.

Fue pasadas las 8 de la manana cuan un helicoptero se destaco por sobre los que surcaron el skiel de la ciudad: was President Trump’s tod that was passed by our cabbages to the Andrews air base, giving a small ceremony of dispatch.

Joe Biden's Investment Act as EU President (REUTERS / Mike Segar)
Joe Biden’s Investment Act as EU President (REUTERS / Mike Segar)

Poco después Trump is under the Air Force One’s destination in Palm Beach.

At the time of establishing a pautado in the ceremonial agenda, all ex-presidents, with the exception of ex-President Carter and Salient Trump, enter stage to participate, as is the tradition, of the law of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. George Bush, who was one of the Republicans who most quickly accepted Biden’s victory in the midst of fraud denunciations, saluted his ex-colleagues. The distinctive cadences of the television sets are shown to show that the Vice President Mike Pence read the citation.

In the calls, called by more than three quadrants and by all the security measures, some people, no more than 50, are looking for their own speeches. Between the National Guard and the detainees of the repatriated alembrades, visible antiquated police officers, who only look after the people present to avoid any type of incident.

President Donald Trump (REUTERS / Leah Millis / Archive)
President Donald Trump (REUTERS / Leah Millis / Archive)

As you can see, Lady Gaga and Jennifer López will have an impeccable participation. Law of the Kamala Harris Jury in front of the Jewish Sonia Sotomayor, the Hispanic Unique in the Supreme Court and a history of personal supervision representing the American South, the turn to the Joe Biden, while his wife supports the Bible.

Much has changed from the changes that marked Joe Biden’s legacy to the presidency in internal and international politics, but in his discourse the day is full of what he must do during his term of office. It is well known that the Flemish President will appeal to the National Unity, the events of the Capitol on the 6th of January (the attack on Congress) will take place before the President Biden pronounced one of the most important phrases “Democracy is prevalent”.

As the house during the presidency, Joe Biden asks his compatriots not to mirror one of them as others and bushes, enumerating some of the most dramatic accounts in the life of his country, making it clear that there will be superheroes. At the same time, in front of the parliamentary authorities, the Supreme Court, ex-presidents and special guests, Biden dies on the spot that will be visited as legacy: the unity of the country. Through the walls, war jeeps, trucks and intermittent firefighting parades of the national guard mustraban the challenge of coming.

Joe and Jill Biden in the Capitol (Jim Lo Scalzo / REUTERS)
Joe and Jill Biden in the Capitol (Jim Lo Scalzo / REUTERS)

Poco after the finalization of the law, Various caravan patrols with patrols and their sirens record the calls out of Washington. The President of the Capitol to direct the Casa Blanca gave his first decrees and commenced to mark the agenda. Otra of his fue phrases: “There is no time to lose”.

The themes of his first decisions in the son administration immigration, situation of illegal Hispanics in the United States – more than 11 million – regional politics and major global challenges such as the climate change climate.

The presence of the National Guard, which mantendrá hasta sabadu segun las authoridades de la ciudad de Washington, deja una poco common com. And although these militaries are fortunate not to have to admit a dramatic heck, the country has a battle that will take place and that will cost more deaths than many wars: the pandemic.

Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Kamala Harris, Doug Emhoff, Roy Blunt and Amy Klobuchar inaugurated (REUTERS / Mike Segar)
Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Kamala Harris, Doug Emhoff, Roy Blunt and Amy Klobuchar inaugurated (REUTERS / Mike Segar)

More to restore the lazos with the World Health Organization (OMS), Joe Biden promised more resources, not only economical for the families castigated as the consequence of covid-19, will generate a new strategy converts between all the entities of the state to free the contagios and in this way avoid that siga multiply the number of deaths.

Casa Blanca is now an edification that is being vigilanted by an international press as well as an incredible security measure. To access the same perimeter as habitation has the presidential elections, so periodicals like the public in general we have to exercise rigorous control over the estates and carpets established by the police.

On the truck, there are deserted cars and battles of the National Guard parade through the streets. A front facing the presidential residence, on the street where it is written with giant yellow letters “the life of the black whales” some parties of Biden and Harris are looking to observe. In the month of November, the last few weeks of street sales have not been sold to Trump; everything has to do with the new president and vice president. The residents of the residence have exchanged for this bargaining agreement also mantenerse.

A visit by the EEUU Capitol General during Joe Biden's judging ceremony as President number 46. Washington, EEUU, January 20, 2021 (REUTERS / Jim Bourg)
A visit by the EEUU Capitol General during Joe Biden’s judging ceremony as President number 46. Washington, EEUU, January 20, 2021 (REUTERS / Jim Bourg)

It was a historic day, for those who represent in any democracy the cause of the greatest authorities, but without having to worry about the context in which the transfer of power takes place. While Trump goes to the helicopter to leave the White House, the powder ceremony will be completed with one of the few steps of the protocol respected by President Trump: colocaron, as is tradition, the card of the President Salient in the office of President Joe Biden, now, a secret of state.

Read more:

Joe Biden signed his first decrees as President of the United States, between which he returned to the Paris Accord

Because of Donald Trump’s inauguration in the ceremony obliged to modify the entry of the nuclear codes

Biden did not reveal the contents of the card that Trump’s day for the definition of “very generous”
