United States: Trump extension of security for its members with the Secret Service – EU and Canada – International

Donald Trump shares the cargo as president of this market, but he used his last minutes in power to make a note that extends the protection of the Secret Service of the United States for six months to all its members.

(Además: Trump counts 143 people, including his ex-wife Steve Bannon).

Other high-level stadium staff, Trump issues directive to extend Secret Service protection posterior to the presidency to 13 members of his family, contrary to what was stipulated by him.

The federal law dictates that only Trump, his wife Melania and his wife, Barron, for 14 years, the only members of the family with the right to receive the protection of the Secret Service after leaving the White House.

The matrimony had a right to receive during all his life, while Barron only had to wait 16 years. Former Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, will continue to receive continued security during the next six months the protection must be maintained.

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The problem is that not all members of the family, who during Trump’s four years in power can receive protection, are allowed to stay for a while. But the ex-president wants the rest of his estuary family to be cobbled together, for less than six months.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner, wife of Ivanka Trump, is a bigot.


Remo Casilli / Reuters

Now, we’ve been rescued by him Tiffany Trump, Ivanka Trump and his wife, Jared Kushner, and his three sons; su hijo Donald Trump Jr. y sus cinco hijos; his other brother Eric Trump and his wife, Lara.

If a president has the power to order the protection of the Secret Service for those who want it, it is strange that it has a large number of family members, especially when the Mayor is his adult.

(Here: Biden says Trump has “a very generous card” in the Oval Office).

The extension of security for the Trump family, which is costly and funded by contributors, produced under the auspices of the Secret Service is the ultimate detail to protect the legacy of the Casa Blanca, the Biden and Harris families.


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