United States approves Johnson & Johnson vaccine against coronavirus, first of all single dose

The Johnson & Johnson Vacation.  Johnson & Johnson / Handout via REUTERS
The Johnson & Johnson Vacation. Johnson & Johnson / Handout via REUTERS

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) dio the sabbatical to its emergency response to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, however, a group of experts recommends the four advance in this sense.

With the decision of this Saturday, J & J’s vacancy is one of Pfizer and Modern’s in the EEUU national evacuation campaign.

“We will use all imaginable forms to expand the manufacture of the vacuum”, dijo el presidente, Joe Biden, cuyo país registra más de 510.000 muertes.

J&J demonstrated that su vacuna works with a sole injection and can be refrigerated at room temperature, which “offers logistical and practical sales”.

If well United States are following the country with more deaths in absolute terms, show an important progress in his evacuation campaign, with more than 50 million immunized in five weeks.

The tests with the J&J vaccine showed an effectiveness against the coronavirus of 66%, compared to 94-95% of the existing vaccines, but with an ability of 86% to screen serious cases of hospitalization, hospitalizations and deaths. , which can be sufficient to protect the population.

The FDA cartel, in the United States.  REUTERS / Andrew Kelly / File Photo
The FDA cartel, in the United States. REUTERS / Andrew Kelly / File Photo

La vacuna de J&J has demonstrated its effectiveness in all demographic groups in the United States, although the response during clinical trials has varied depending on the country, with EEUU registering a 72% of effectiveness, Latin America, a 66% and South Africa, where a more resistant and contagious variant of the virus has been extended, a 64%.

The experts considered proban que the vaccine is safe and does not provoke severe reactions between the recipient, while many of the committee members reunited, these women recorded that the emergency response to the pandemic justifies the emergency approval.

Some members of the committee, who recommend the unanimous approval, record that J&J has produced many of the dudes that exist within six months and has been able to implement a solid monitoring and development plan for its continued existence, however, its predecessors created in a time record not seen in history.

Nonetheless, J&J has been pleased to have its first contravention and this week’s confession in an audience at the Congress can deliver a 20 million dose before the end of March and no 25 million as expected at the earliest moment.

The president of the stadium, Joe Biden.  EFE / Doug Mills
The president of the stadium, Joe Biden. EFE / Doug Mills

The inclusion of the first vaccine monodose deberia contributes to accelerate the evacuation campaign by not requiring a second dose every three weeks, as with the injections of Pfizer and Modern, although Johnson & Johnson has only a few annual recorders available.

The Mayor’s question on the part of FDA experts hechas the fires are centered in connect the plans of the pharmaceutical to the time to make front to possible variants of the coronavirus most resistant to the vacancies, as is the case of the South African variant. Additionally, podrines need specific recorders for the most virulent variants and with the structure of the most resistant receptors in the vagina.

J & J’s vacuum cleaner does not require extremely low temperatures in the case of Pfizer and Modern, which is not based on ARN messages, as his predecessors, sino en instructions coded in an ADN box transmitted to the cell in an adenovirus, a technique that exposes it to degeneration.

For this reason, you can be preserved has three months between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, in addition to reducing the complexity of the cashier’s chain and scenes such as the lives at some points in the country, emergency emergencies are distributed among the population through problems with the spouses.

EFE / John G. Mabanglo
EFE / John G. Mabanglo

United States has administered since the finals of December, authorizing the first of the vacancies, more than 68 million doses, with only a maximum of 1 in 5 patients being immunized with the first of the required dose doses.

With AFP information on EFE


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