United States: Anti-terrorist alert by Biden – EU and Canadian opposition extremists – International

The Department of Homeland Security Interior of the United States publishes this Wednesday a anti-terrorism alert for a “climate of amenity” vinculadas a “violent extremists”, opposing the government of Democrat Joe Biden.

(Además: Via EE. UU.? Know the new requirements of the Biden era).

“Suggested information that some extremist violent movements by ideology -with objections to the ownership of the governing authority and the presidential transition-, as well as other aggravated alimony for falsities, podrían seguir movilizándose para inciter o cometer violencia “, dijo el Departamento en un comunicado.

The alert issued by the company that the planning of an attack “will take place in the posterity weeks of the exit of the presidential investor“, celebrates January 20 in Washington.

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The Department indicates that it does not have “information about a specific conspiracy theorist”, but points out that “hub störs violos in the last days” and is concerned about the possibility of “frustrated people” with the governing body “can continue to move to a wide range of actors motivated by ideology “.

Information suggests that some extremist violators (…) may follow suit to incite or commit violence

According to the communiqué, extremist violent crearon crecientes amenazas en
United States during the last year, powered by the restrictions imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, the failure of Donald Trump ante Biden in November, police brutality and illegal immigration.

(Here: Laws on what comes in the political trial against Trump).

The Department of Homeland Security said that its motivations could continue to exist in the coming months and that it should be lifted by Congress, lifted up by Trump parties January 6, may encourage extremists to “appoint government officials and installations”.

More than 150 people, including members of extremist armed groups, were detained from the attack, classified as insurgency by the authorities and killed five dead.


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