UN says Trump blackwater forgiveness violates international law

A United Nations panel said on Wednesday President TrumpDonald Trump Georgia’s signature audit finds no fraud during presidential election. Pompeo calls for release of Chinese journalist jailed for coronavirus coverage. Pence refused to be signed to reverse the election, advocates say MORE.The pardon for several former Blackwater contractors convicted of killing more than a dozen civilians in Baghdad violates international law.

Reuters reported that the UN working group on the use of mercenaries condemned the actions in a statement and called Trump’s decision to forgive the four men an insult to justice and insulted the memory of the murdered.

“Forgiving the Blackwater contractors is an insult to justice and to the victims of the Nisour Square massacre and their families,” the group’s chairwoman Jelena Aparac said, according to the news agency.

“This waiver violates U.S. obligations under international law and undermines humanitarian law and human rights in general,” Aparac continued.

Trump moved last week to forgive the four men along with a handful of former GOP congressmen and a number of loyalists close to his 2016 campaign.

The pardon for the former Blackwater contractors was met with sharp criticism from General David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker, the leading US officials responsible for US policy in Iraq at the time of the 2007 killings. tells the world that Americans abroad can commit the most heinous crimes with impunity ”in a joint statement obtained by Reuters.

The private security services company, now known as Academi, received serious criticism of the incident in 2007 and lost its license to work in Iraq from the country’s government. The company is also facing allegations of other human rights violations following the release of WikiLeaks of thousands of documents related to the war in Iraq in 2010.
