UK hits gloomy milestone of 100,000 COVID deaths UK News

According to official figures from the Department of Health, the UK has become the first country in Europe to record more than 100,000 coronavirus-related deaths.

The UK has the fifth highest toll worldwide – after the United States, Brazil, India and Mexico – and reported another 1,631 deaths and 20,089 new cases on Tuesday, while critics accused the government of a seemingly slow initial response to the COVID -19. crisis.

The registered 100 162 deaths are more than the civilian death toll of the country in World War II and twice the number killed in the Blitz bombing 1940-1941, although the total population was then smaller.

“I am deeply sorry for every lost life and of course as Prime Minister I take full responsibility for everything the government has done,” said Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“What I can tell you is that we really did everything we could, and still continue to do everything we can, to reduce loss of life and minimize suffering,” he said during a briefing.

Andrew Simmons of Al Jazeera, Bradford reports, said Johnson’s remarks are unlikely to calm those who feel he is too late to take every step; he was behind the curve ”.

Earlier this month, Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, one of the oldest and most sought-after medical journals in the world, told Al Jazeera that the United Kingdom was struggling to contain the pandemic because its government “steadfastly refused to allow science,” despite allegations that he does ”.

‘The lessons from science were that when there is an increase in infections, you should immediately step down to suppress the transmission to reduce the incidence of infections in the community. “But at every stage, the government has been slowing down and slowing down and slowing down, with the result that the virus has gone out of control,” Horton said.

‘The result is increased hospitalizations and deaths. This was entirely preventable if the government were to act more decisively, and sooner. ‘

Opposition leader Keir Starmer, who has repeatedly accused Johnson of being too slow to respond to the pandemic, said the prime minister’s decision had cost lives and exacerbated the economic impact.

Johnson, who himself contracted COVID-19 and ended up in intensive care, defended his record, saying it was easy to find fault when he looked back.

England, by far the most populous of the four countries in the UK, re-entered a national exclusion on 5 January, which includes the closure of pubs, restaurants, non-essential shops and schools for most pupils. Further travel restrictions have been introduced as the government fights to speed up vaccination delivery and keep new, more transmissible variants of the virus at stake.

In December, the UK became the first country in the world to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and set the task of offering jabs to all 70 and older, those who are clinically vulnerable, workers in the field of health and social care and older adults in care homes by mid-February.

As of Monday, a total of 6,853,327 people had received a first dose and 472,446 a second dose.

The government has said the vaccination rate and the success of the vaccinations are key to curbing restrictions, as the UK has the highest death toll per 100,000 people in the world, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. .

“Unfortunately, we are going to see quite a few more deaths in the next few weeks before the effects of the vaccines start to be felt,” said Chris Whitty, the British chief medical officer.

New variants have also worried scientists, and Johnson warned that the prospect of a “vaccine-degrading” variant could mean longer lock-in measures are needed.

The UK needs to announce whether it will also introduce mandatory quarantine in hotels for some or all arrivals, and has warned the public not to book summer holidays.

“My thoughts are with every person who has lost a loved one – behind these heartbreaking figures are friends, families and neighbors,” Health Minister Matt Hancock said Tuesday.

“I know how difficult the past year has been, but I also know how strong the British public’s determination is and how much we have all pulled together to get through this.”
