UK calls Russia biggest threat, warns China and promises to build more nuclear warheads

To achieve its goals, the UK government wants to increase defense spending by £ 24 billion ($ 33.3 billion) over the next four years, a huge increase from the £ 42.2 billion it spent in 2019-2020.

The government has also invested tens of billions of pounds in other areas, including £ 15 billion for science and technology research and development, more than £ 17 billion to combat climate change and promote biodiversity, and £ 13 billion in the fight against coronavirus.

The document confirms the UK’s defense and economic partnerships with the US as the most important in the world, and it is a strong commitment to the NATO alliance, but promises to expand Britain’s role worldwide and recognizes that in the coming decade is oblique to the Indo-Pacifc.

From the region, it cites the challenges facing China.

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“China’s growing power and international assertiveness are likely to be the most important geopolitical factor of the 2020s,” the survey said, describing Beijing as “the biggest state-based threat to British security.”

In parliament following the release of the report, Johnson criticized China for its massive detention of Uyghur people in Xinjiang province and the treatment of democratic lawyers in Hong Kong, but said London should work with Beijing to address global issues. te los.

“There is no doubt that China will present a great challenge to an open society like ours, but we also work with China where it is in line with our values ​​and interests, including building a strong and positive economic relationship and addressing climate change, “Johnson said.

The 116-page report, entitled “Global Britain in a Competitive Age”, retains its most important critique for Russia.

“Russia will remain the most direct threat to the UK,” it said at one point.

“Russia is the most acute threat in the region and we will work with NATO allies to ensure a united Western response, combining military, intelligence and diplomatic efforts,” it said in another, promising to alliance to work ‘nuclear, conventional withholding and hybrid threats to our security, especially from Russia. ‘

As part of its deterrence strategy, the UK will increase its number of nuclear warheads to 260, a significant increase from a previously announced target of 180.

HMS Vanguard, the main vessel in the current class of British ballistic missile submarines, will be replaced in the 2030s.

The Royal Navy will preserve four submarines with nuclear-powered missiles from which the heads can be launched, to ensure that at least one submarine is on duty at all times, the report said.

The submarine fleet gets new vessels starting in the early 2030s, when the first of the Dreadnaught class is delivered, and replaces the Vanguard class breakers that have been in service since the early 1990s, the report said.

The document also confirms Britain’s core commitment to NATO and states that the force is committed to defending its European allies as well as the United Kingdom itself.

“Global Britain is not a reflection of old commitments, much less a glorious gesture, but a necessity for the security and prosperity of the British people for decades to come. And I am determined that the United Kingdom will join us. ‘Friends will ensure that free societies thrive after the pandemic and share the risks and burdens of overcoming the world’s most difficult problems,’ ‘Johnson said.

‘Britain will remain unquestionably committed to NATO and the preservation of peace and security in Europe, and from this secure base we will seek friends and partners wherever they are, building a coalition of openness and innovation and deeper within the Indo- Pacific getting involved.

In collaboration with the “Global Britain” theme, more British troops will be deployed overseas more frequently, the report reads, emphasizing the deployment later this year of the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth strike group to the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean and the waters of the Asia-Pacific.

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Johnson said the carrier strike group is on a 20,000-mile journey and the exercises it will hold with allies and partners show that the UK is committed to the freedom of the sea.

Britain will also refurbish its overseas military installations in places such as Singapore, Oman, Kenya and Gibraltar.

The report also promises an extensive commitment to British operations in outer space. By the summer, the British Army will form a spatial mission to ensure that the Army has leading capabilities to advance British interests on earth and in space.

By next year, Britain plans to have the capability to send commercial satellites into space from Scotland.

In the cyber empire, the report says that the United Kingdom is the world’s third strongest cyber power. It will try to harness the power in a new national cyber force that will be integrated with terrorism and military forces.

“By strengthening our armed forces, we will expand British influence while creating jobs in the UK, strengthening the union and maximizing our advantage in science and technology,” Johnson said.

Commander Justin Codd, left, talks to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson aboard the Vanguard-class submarine HMS Victorious during a visit to the Faslane naval base north of Glasgow, Scotland on 29 July 2019.

“With the extra investment and new capabilities of the Integrated Review, I believe the UK can thrive in an increasingly competitive world and fulfill our historic mission as a force for good,” the Prime Minister concluded.

The opposition spoke out about what he said were holes in the document, including no mention of possible cuts to British armies that have appeared in media reports in recent days.

“This review is built on foundations that have weakened over the past decade,” said Labor leader Kier Starmer. “Our armed forces, our numbers have been reduced by 45,000 and there is still a 17 million black hole in the plan for defense equipment.”

“The Prime Minister can not avoid the question that everyone in our armed forces and their families will ask today: will it further cut into the strength of our army and our armed forces?”

The hard lines of the document on Russia and China believe that recent actions by the government regarding the countries, he said.

“Eighteen months ago, the Russian review concluded that the threat was urgent and immediate. Why were none of the recommendations implemented?” Starmer said.

And as for China, he said the new toughness was a decade too late.

“Conservative governments have spent ten years blowing up human rights abuses while inviting China to help build our infrastructure. Now that basic contradiction is catching up,” Starmer said.

CNN’s Christopher Johnson contributed to this report.
