Twitter to label COVID-19 incorrect vaccine information, apply strike policy

Twitter Monday announced that it would nominate tweets with potentially misleading information about COVID-19 vaccines, and put in place a strike system that could lead to permanent suspension of the bill.

The whole picture: Technology companies are taking an increasingly aggressive stance against users trying to share misleading information about COVID-19 vaccines on their platforms.

  • Facebook announced in February that it would combat the misinformation about the vaccine against COVID-19.
  • YouTube announced last October that it would remove videos containing COVID-19 incorrect information about vaccines. YouTube has a similar warning policy for accounts that violate the rules.

Details: The platform will start applying the labels on Monday, first using human overview and eventually using automated tools as well.

  • Labels can link to composite content on vaccines and official public health information.
  • Individuals will be notified if their tweet has resulted in a strike. Users receive five alerts and the level of penalty goes from no action to different lengths of account exclusions to total suspension. Users can file appeals.

What they say: “Our goal with these product interventions is to provide people with additional context and authoritative information about COVID-19, “the company wrote in a blogpos.

  • “By using the strike system, we hope to teach people why certain content violates our rules so that they have the opportunity to further consider their behavior and their influence on public discourse.”
