The Turkish Parliament has adopted in the madrugada of this domination a law that facilitates the administrative spirit of civil organizations if the authorities suspect corners with a terrorist group, informs hoy the Turkish press.
The Parliament approves of this debate, which includes physical aggression between the deputies, with the votes of the Islamist party Justice and Desarrollo (AKP), which ruled Turkey since 2002, and its coalition society, the MHP ultranationalist.
The norm, titled “Ley to prevent the financing of the proliferation of massive destruction arms” the Gobierno turquoise conglomerates the founding funds of United Nations resolutions and prohibits the transit of destined material to nuclear armies, including numerous other separate units that span the interiors of the Ministry of the Interior.
I like this also arrange for administrative decisions on the funds of any person suspected of collaborating with an organization specified as a terrorist by the Justice, although the decision must be ratified by a judge, the Turkish diary signals. Evrensel.
It is also possible to interrupt any “unauthorized” donation campaign on the Internet, block pages and print multitasking for up to 20,000 euros per responsible person.
In conjunction “The law is unpredictable” because it says “an enormous margin of decision in the Ministry of the Interior”, opinion on declarations with digital turkey Bianet the Turkish lawyer Sule Özsoy-Boyunsuz.
“The Governor can despise a man, choose an NGO and go to the next one”, resume the academic.
Jueves pasade, the international organization of human rights Human Rights Watch (HRW) advises the contract against the proposal, señalando that its objective is “Limit and restrict the legitimate activities of any governmental government that does not like it” al Gobierno.
“It’s a pampering herring to limit the freedom of association”, conclusion HRW.
Turkey wants a political leader
The approval of the new law led to a dispute when an Ankara tribunal rejected the decision to release the Izquierdista politician Selahattin Demirtas, ex-leader of the party procurdo HDP, launched since 2016, has received a recent sentencing from the European Court of Human Rights (TEDH) of Estrasburg.
As a member of the Council of Europe, Turkey is obliged to apply the TEDH sentences, maximum judicial authority of all affiliated lands to this organism.
Without embarrassment, the pastors, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accuses the TEDH of being “politicizedAnd he made sure that he could not replace the Turkish tribunals, in addition to reiterating his conviction that Demirtas was “responsible for the deaths of many people”.
Demirtas has been accused of “inciting terrorist acts” by Hecho in October 2014 to lash out at a jihadist activist a la kiudad kurda de Kobane en Syria.
(With EFE information)
The periodical Can Dündar was condensed by Turkey for 27 years and means of imprisonment for espionage and terrorism crimes
Turkey, the part of the “Patria Azul” and its projection on the Oriental Mediterranean