Tucker Carlson is so offensive about ‘WAP’ performance at Grammys, and he shows it several times

Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson gave a big show on Monday night about cheating on the Grammys show of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, saying “they are deliberately trying to degrade our culture and hurt our children.”

Indeed, he was apparently so offensive and furious about the deterioration shown Sunday night, that he broadcast three separate tracks from the two rappers who performed their hit “WAP”.

In contrast to the craggy rap song with Fox News’ current obsession – the so-called liberal “cancel culture” aimed at Disney and Looney Tunes characters, Carlson subsequently aired an extensive montage of the performance, in which the two artists suggestively dancing on a large bed.

No more Dumbo. It’s too dirty. We get it sooner, ”Carlson exclaimed before turning to conservative commentator Candace Owens.

“It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that they are actively trying to break down our culture and hurt our children,” the Fox star added.

While Carlson’s program aired an image titled “Left Can’t Get Enough of Gross ‘Wet A ** P ****’ Song”, Owens grumbled: “What we watched last night was a lesbian sex scene that is simulated on television, and it is considered feminist. ”

While Owens and Carlson continued on about how disgusting and shameful the whole spectacle was, the Fox show continued with the recording of Cardi B and Megan Thee stallions.

“It feels more sinister. It seems to me that it is not even left or right, but not a political issue. It seems like an attack on American values, American traditions, and you’re actually trying to get kids to strive for things that are grotesque, “Owens said, adding,” We celebrate perversity in America. “

“They’re trying to demean us,” the Fox News host replied as the Grammy performance played in the background.

Owens further states that the performance was the ‘end of an empire’. “America cannot survive or sustain under these values,” she said, adding that “parents need to be afraid, this is the direction our society is heading.”

As Fox’s primetime host Owens asked about parents’ reactions to raising their children around these songs, another montage was played for Fox viewers.

In the end, Carlson Owens wholeheartedly agrees that this ‘culture’ keeps women ‘in society’ before repeating that ‘WAP’ is ‘totally destructive’.
