TSE Suspension of New Ideas and Initiative Electoral Sanctioning Process | El Salvador News

The sanction is issued under the presumed violation of Article 70 of the Law of Political Parties, which establishes the prohibition on the use of patriotic symbols in propaganda.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal ordered the suspension of a spot on the New Ideas party to consider a premeditated violation of Article 70, letterlike d, of the Law of the Political Parties which establishes the prohibition on using the publicity symbols in publicity or propaganda.

Asimismo, the TSE has organized the initiation of an official sanctioning procedure of the office and order medida cautelares for the party New Ideas and its representatives.

The spot on the issue is the resolution published on Twitter by Xavier Zablah Bukele, President and Legal Representative of New Ideas. In the same way it is used by the National Banner.

“Preliminarily it is advised that the content of dicho video is finalized in the intention to obtain electoral support for the political party New Ideas and in this way use symbolic symbols”, the TSE signals in the order issued on February 2 .

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The Electoral Institute signals that it will not order the suspension of the transmission or broadcast of the video to be constituted in a violation “with the guarantee of free elections and the principle of equality in the contingent”.

Agrega that the electoral propaganda “to contain a prohibited element by the power to impede manner in the equality of the electoral contingent and the regularity of the process”, by which an official sanctioned administrative process is initiated and communicated to the Tax Office General of the Republic, guaranteeing the legality of the proceedings, in order to verify also the compliment of the cautious media ordered by the tribunal.

Dentro de las medidas se ordena a Xavier Zablah Bukele retirar de su cuenta de Twitter el spot, asimismo al partido Nuevas Ideas abstenerse de usar símbolos patrios en su propaganda electoral y suspender la transmission en cualquier channel of televisionón, seinal of cable of medio digital que it is pautando.

The TSE also provides the Presidency of the Republic with detailed information on spot production, contracts and the period of transmission of the dispute, among others. Assimilation to the communication media order remit information in the same period of time regarding the compliment compliment to this resolution.

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