Trump still claims to have won the election, as Barr allegedly told him that fraud allegations were ‘nonsense’ – live | US news

The lawsuit, which is still under investigation, is set out in an affidavit filed by the FBI Sunday, setting out the case against Riley June Williams, a Pennsylvania woman seen in footage of the uprising in the Capitol that crowds rig.

According to the affidavit, a person identified as Williams’ former romantic partner called the FBI tip line to identify Williams. The tipster told the FBI that they were talking to friends of Williams who showed them a video of the woman taking a laptop or a hard drive from Pelosi’s office, the statement said.

The tipster “stated that Williams intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, the Russian foreign intelligence service.”

It is also noted that, “for unknown reasons”, the sale went through and that Williams still owns or has destroyed the device.

The FBI said in the affidavit that the tip is still being investigated. Williams is facing charges related to access to a restricted building and disorderly conduct.
