Tras su polémica sexual, Armie Hammer has an abandoned series “El padrino” obligatory | El Salvador News

Little by little the career of this prolific actor is in full swing. Including his protagonist next to Jennifer López quedo in the pass.

The actor Armie Hammer, muy conocido por “Call Me By Your Name” (2017), abandoned the series sobre la gestación de la película “El padrino” (1972) and is an interpreter of all the product of Al Ruddy, después de la polémica desatada for one supuestos messages suyos of content sexual extreme.

It is the second job that Hammer cancels out as a consequence of the anonymous filtering of private messages in which some sexual fantasies are detailed, which in some cases result in very disturbing. Have a few days, and for the same reason, say goodbye to something else that I have to deal with Jennifer López.

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Now, the series that explores the path of the master master of the world with the title of “The Offer”, a Paramount + format, will look for a new protagonist.

His career is on the rise, but his career is a barrier. Photo EDH / AFP

For the time being, neither Hammer nor his team commented on the decision, following an exclusive review of the Variety magazine.

The career of the actor dio a giro of 180 degrees in the principles of this year with the filtration (median capturas de pantalla) of supuestos messages with content scabrous that enviaba to women through social speeches.

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“Necesito beber tu sangre” or “soy for what a cannibal” is some of the words that was written by Hammer, which at the moment describes my actions very violently.

The actor’s number has seen a worldwide trend during the week, especially when some of his fans, like Courtney Vucekovich, confirmed the release of the “rare” sex fetishes of his ex-girlfriend.

By “Llámame por tu nombre” was nominated for the Globo de Oro Best Actor actor. Sony Pictures Classics

Through Hammer’s greetings from the comedy Iba protagonized with Jennifer López, “Shotgun Wedding”, the actor made sure that the llamativos messages were not eran.

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“I am not responding to these jealous Jews, but in the light of the vicissitudes and attacks on the Internet, in contrast to me I can say that I have good conscience during my months to draw a ploy in the Dominican Republic”, statement, to intend create a controversy that continues to plague my life in speeches.
