Total confinement spectrum to be deployed in Europe infected with virus infections

Reino Unido, Alemania e Italia incrementaro o drastarastane desde des este martes sus restrictiónes ante una pandemia que no cede and que hace temer unan total and varios paises de Europa, donde las autoridades son critiqueas también por la lentitud en las campanas de vacunas.

“From today (March), Deben quedarse en casa, con contadas exceptions”, nmdicó the British governor on Twitter, has announced that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce the renaming of the 56 million inhabitants of England.

The objective is, according to the governor’s wife, to take back “the control of the new cepa” of the coronavirus that aggravates the situation since last year and has provoked in these days 50,000 diary contagios. Different from the second confinement, Johnson also opted to close all the schools.

In Scotland, the semi-autonomous government imposes the total confinement of this March and Northern Ireland in Wales and has established important anti-Christmas restrictions.

According to the British Minister Michael Gove, coordinated to coordinate the government action, the confinement will be vigilant until March.

The United Kingdom, which suffers more than 75,000 deaths from covid-19, is the second largest country in Europe affected by the Italian pandemic.

In this context of urgency and the difference between what succeeds in other European countries, the immunization campaign and all velocity in the United Kingdom, Monday the commencement of the distribution of the AstraZeneca British Laboratory vaccine and the University of Oxford.

Authorities are collecting 100 million doses of this vaccine, less costly and easier to maintain than the Pfizer-BioNTech that has been administered to more than a million Britons since December.

Sin Reyes Magos pandemic

The situation in which the United Kingdom lives is not unique. Other countries in Europe, the world’s largest golf course for this pandemic with more than 589,000 bankruptcies and 27.3 million cases, while the rebates are obliged to return the mediators.

Italy, which has more than 75,600 deaths, decided on March to extend its restrictions and delay the repatriation of secondary schools.

In Germany, the governor prevailed to announce in the near future the maintenance of the restrictions, probably until the 31st of January, and amplified with the school leader.

On December 30, the country was the first to have 1,000 registered bankruptcies of covid-19 and 1,775 million contacts registered since the beginning of the pandemic.

On the contrary, in the first place, the management of the second most criticized critique in Germany. The diary Bild, the most leading country, accuses the governing body of having “demised” with the European Union (EU) for the summit of vacancies and has privileged only the pharmacy of Pfizer / BioNTech, which has been first injected and more than 264,000 people.

In France, only 1 year ago, only 516 people received the Pfizer / BioNTech vehicle, the governing body, criticized by the critics, promised that March would accelerate the evacuation campaign.

For its part, the Kremlin announced on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin had been working with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on a possible “conjunction of vacancies” against the virus.

In Spain, however, the general population is also exaggerating the length of the evacuation, the private pandemic will be the most important of the traditional cavalry of the Reyes Magos, the popular parades that record the cities every year.

Respetar plazos de la vacuna

All over the world, the new coronavirus pandemic has provoked more than 1.85 million deaths and 85.6 million contagious outbreaks in China in December 2019.

The evacuation is the great hope of releasing these balanced diets, for some pains, before the limited amount of existing doses, it should be noted that dejarían will pass a wider range of recommendations between the two necessary injections with the person to be vaccinated.

A strategy that has been recognized by the German laboratory BioNTech, producer of the first authorized car in Europe, which commercializes alongside the giant Pfizer stadium, records this March that it needs to respect the places to guarantee its maximum efficiency, says 21 days and the second injection.

On the other side of the Atlantic, Mexico converts the moon in the world peace quarter by authorizing the AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine, after the United Kingdom, Argentina and India.

The 128 millionth resident population is the most affected by this death toll, with more than 127,700 deaths, across the United States, Brazil and India. On December 24, Mexico launched the evacuation of its sanitary staff at the pharmacy manufactured by Pfizer / BioNTech.

In total, Latin America and the Caribbean totaled more than 513,500 bankruptcies and 15.8 million covid-19 cases, according to an AFP report.

In Brazil, the state of the Amazon (north), decreed a new confinement of 15 days from the moon, even a point of virus. The regional capital, Manaos, is one of the most polluted cities during the first months of the pandemic.

The first dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine will be available in two weeks in Panama, the governor announced on Monday.
