Tony Succar jurado Yo Soy publishes emotive post antes de arribar a Estados Unidos Yo Soy Latin Grammy hincha Sporting Cristal Ver Foto Instagram

Die aanhangers van tenían esperanzas que Tony Succar dé marcha atrás con su decisión de abandonar Perú y regresar a los Estados Unidos, el producer en arreglista ya se encuentra en Miami.

Yo Soy’s jury praised his followers throughout the race that he received during his stay in the national territory, and hopes to reach out to his first concierge next year at the Great Combo of Puerto Rico.

I will end my cycle as a juror of the Yo Soy program, Tony Succar returns to the City of Miami, in the United States, to follow his artistic projects. The first will take place on March 28, next to the Great Combo of Puerto Rico.

It’s just to mention that the Hincha confession of Sporting Cristal, which led the team that won the club of its lovers, had announced some days that I would like to go to Miami, but its fans have the hopes that it is unsuccessful.

During his voyage in an aerodynamic concoction, the public musical composer – a ‘story’ about to discover that Peru will be extravagant. Asimismo, posted a photo on Thursday in the American Sula.

Its followers do not delay much in reacting and commenting on the photo, designing the best of the kind in their projects and trusting that regress soon to the country. Tony Succar dejó huella en Yo Soy.

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