Toddlers dressed in Obama-inspired inauguration outfits catch the eye of the former first lady

There was no shortage of thoughts about the fashions that took place on the inauguration day, and 4-year-old Reyleigh Hampton wanted to enter the action.

The toddler went viral after recreating former first lady Michelle Obama’s monochromatic pants and turtleneck look and sharing it on social media with a photo featuring Zayden Lowe sharing former pres. Barack Obama dressed.

Reyleigh’s photo even caught the eye of Michelle Obama herself, who posted the image on her social media accounts, declaring that the couple “nailed it!”

Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama at the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on the Western Front of the Capitol on January 20, 2021.Rob Carr / Getty Images

Zoe Hampton, Reyleigh’s aunt, said her family’s ‘mouths dropped’ when they arrived in the Obama administration while watching the inauguration on television last month.

“They looked absolutely incredible,” Hampton said. “Ryleigh recently recreated some looks from Kamala Harris and Prince, and we knew Michelle and Barack saw at one point that we would not let go of the chance to recreate it.”

Hampton’s grandmother jumped to work and helped create the look of the girl.

Ryleigh and Zayden dressed like Michelle and Barack Obama while attending the 2021 Presendtial inauguration.@its_allry / via Instagram

“We always jokingly said, ‘What if Michelle Obama actually saw it?’ but when it came true, we were excited, “Hampton said. “It really doesn’t get any better than that.”

Reyleigh and Zayden, who were wearing a coat and tie, presented their photo outside the Florence County Library in South Carolina.

Hampton’s aunt says Ryleigh likes to dress up and fall in love with wine-colored outfits, which makes the photo shoot even more enjoyable.

“Although at this age I think Ryleigh is caught up in how cute the clothes are and how cool it is to do a photo shoot with her best friend, I realize the older she gets the deeper meaning of the photo,” Hampton said. . “The Obamas are wonderful role models, and I hope she, like Michelle Obama, wants to be a strong and confident African-American woman. That’s why representation matters. I hope she and Zayden realize that they can be anything they want to be. be!”
