These are the extreme right-wing groups that assist in the United States – EU and Canada – International

The phenomenon is unmistakable that sees the passage of six major leagues in the United States when a group of followers of President Donald Trump breaks down in the Capitol and joins the police in the interior of the emblematic edict, which is the seat of the Poder Legislative State in the map to the extreme right-wing groups that were first in line during the Ascension to the Capitol.

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Among the supporters are members of various groups and organizations associated with the extreme right, theories of conspiracy and nationalist movements, as well as individuals who are not the triumph of Democrat Joe Biden in the presidency.

Quien sons los Proud boys?

When the President of the United States, Donald Trump, takes the floor to address the white supremacy groups during a presidential debate, the mandate is rejected. Proud boys and only the footsteps “give a step back and hope”, which provoked a great controversy that it was necessary to rectify the situation.

Según report – BBC portal, Proud boys was founded in 2016 by Canadian-British rights activist Gavin McInnes, Proud boys is a group of extremely derecha, anti-immigrant and solo men with a history of violence against their opponents izquierda.

The number of the group is a reference to a song from the musical version of the Disney Aladdin movie. The members of the men have seen all the black and yellow polo shirts of Fred Perry together with the red hats “Make America Great Again”.

(Additionally: EE. UU., Alerta ante posibles protests armadas de ‘trumpistas’)

Events in Washington

Protestants who sympathize with Trump are reuniting these schools in Washington.


Spencer Platt. Getty Images / AFP

Geen son exclusively whites, but he hecho famosos by his violations enfrentamientos politicos.

Loose Proud boys and the affiliated groups he met in Antifa (“anti-fascist” briefing, flexible activist affiliation in its extreme extremism, according to BBC reports) in a series of violent riots in the last two years, all over Oregon Washington and New York. Dos members were cared for last year by golfer and antifa activists in New York.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube are banned from the group on its platforms, and so are its members as their content and migration across the media has made it less popular.

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What is QAnon?

The QAnon conspiracy movement, now banned on digital platform principals, was launched in 2017 in United States between Donald Trump’s parties, denouncing the existence of a supposedly “elite” compound composed of satanic pedophiles. Some of his followers will be present during the invasion of the Capitol on January 6..

In 2016, the Pizzagate case, a rumor that a Washington-based pizzeria will be established, will use the escondite of an elite pedophile democracy, a large repercussion in conspiracy circles and contribute to the “theory” of birth.
QAnon el año siguiente.

QAnon Manifestante

‘Q’ is one of the users that is supposed to share the basics of this theory. In the letter that supports the manifesting dice ‘Q me sent’.

Here is the number of a mysterious official who called himself Q, who was responsible for sending a “deep state”, an organization of high officials of the government involved in speeches of pedophiles who can establish a “new world order”. And only the President of the United States, Donald Trump, will be able to frustrate this plan.

In social speeches, QAnon “is an espionage for conspiracy theories. Everything is acceptable, from the anti-Semitic mythologies, the 5G, the mascarillas, the science of fiction …”, and the various theories are mutually exclusive, says Tristan Mendès France, which teaches digital cultures at the University of Paris.

QAnon has been considered since 2019 as a potential terrorist organization in the United States.

Washington protests

Trump supporters support the EE Capitol. UU.

Donald Trump always refused to explicitly condone the conspiracy movement. One of her activists, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is a clear supporter of
QAnon, won a sketch at the United States Congress on November 3, 2020. “+ Q + is a patriot”, skatting in 2017.

Facebook has announced that it has launched energy campaigns against QAnon conspiracy theories, eliminating accounts and investing in an information verification program. Twitter announced the moon that has “permanently suspended” 70,000 registered affiliates to prevent us from using the social network with violent endings.

The announcement is pending that the salient president’s account will be permanently suspended by incitement charges in the event of violence being paid to his party members who march to the Capitol. Tristan Mendès, France, has redesigned Facebook, Twitter and Twitter, and QAnon’s partners, such as Parler, Gab o Telegram. “The problem is that the cambio has these radical platforms exposing the ‘most mixed’ members of the movement to a mayoral radicalization“, explains.


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