There can be a dramatic hidden effect if you do not have regular bedtime, study programs

There is already strong evidence that bed at a regular time is important for a healthy lifestyle, apart from how many hours of sleep we build up in total. A new study has now found a link between disrupted sleep patterns and a higher risk of bad moods and depression.

In research on the direct measurement of the sleep times and moods of 2115 physicians during their first year of training, scientists found that those with variable sleep patterns were more likely to report lower moods and get higher scores for symptoms of depression. in questionnaires.

Changing sleep times increases the risk of feeling depressed just as much as a lack of sleep in general – suggesting that reconciliation with our circadian rhythms is just as important to our mental health as spending a good number of hours enlarged of closed eye in total.

“These findings highlight the consistency of sleep as an underestimated factor in targeting depression and well-being,” said neuroscientist Srijan Sen, of the University of Michigan.

With an average age of 27 and undergoing a demanding first year of training, the doctors involved in this study are not representative of the general population – but the group has given scientists the opportunity to interview a large number of people. study. a similar situation over several months.

As you would expect, getting more sleep, getting up later and going to bed earlier – as well as staying with a more regimental sleep pattern – are improving participants’ moods. What may not have been well documented before is how important regular sleep is. patterns is in proportion to those other factors.

Data were collected using portable sleepers, smartphone apps, and voluntary surveys. Although not as accurate for sleep detection as laboratory instruments, it allows scientists to monitor the habits of many people over a long period of time without interrupting their daily behavior. activities (and nighttime bedtimes).

“The advanced portable technology enables us to study the behavioral and physiological factors of mental health, including sleep, on a much larger scale and more accurately than ever before, to explore an exciting field for us,” says neuroscientist Yu Fang, of the University of Michigan.

“Our findings are not only aimed at directing self-management over sleeping habits, but also at informing institutional scheduling structures.”

Although we can all agree that better sleeping habits are good for our overall health, the team behind the new study wants to investigate more how different aspects of sleep hygiene – sleep time, waking up, sleep patterns, total sleep – affect well-being individually. .

The new study builds on previous research suggesting that ignoring our circadian rhythms can be detrimental to our mood and increase the risk of depression over time. Try, if you can, to keep sleeping and getting up at the same time – it can lighten your mood and your outlook.

The researchers then want to draw attention to other groups of people who may not necessarily have full control over when they go to bed, when they wake up and how many hours of sleep they get in between – such as parents of young children. , for example.

“I also wish my 1-year-old could learn from these findings and only wake up every day at 8:21,” Fang says.

The research was published in npj Digital Medicine.
