The West Virginia legislature records that he stormed the Capitol. Thousands are asking him to resign.

A West Virginia lawmaker who recorded a video and then removed it from himself storming the Capitol building along with hundreds of rioters is coming under increasing pressure to resign.

Nearly 32,000 people have signed a petition demanding that Republican Derrick Evans step down.

“Remove him from his seat because he led and participated in terrorism and went against the constitution and the rule of law,” the petition reads.

Evans streamed a video on his Facebook page live of himself outside the Capitol building on Wednesday afternoon as rioters supporting President Donald Trump pushed against a police barricade.

“Bring the tear gas, we do not care,” the legislator heard shouting. ‘We’re taking this country back, whether you like it or not. Today is a test run. We are taking this country back. ‘

At another point he heard people ask: ‘where are the Proud Boys’, which refers to the far-right, male, self-described group of ‘Western chauvinists’.

As rioters pass by officers, Evans says he did not touch anything and was only there to watch. Eventually, the group enters the capital. Evans tells people not to vandalize before shouting ‘Patriots inside, baby’.

Evans has since removed the video and defended his actions, saying in a Facebook statement that he attended the protest as an “independent member of the media to film history.”

“As many of you know, I have traveled the country over the past few years to film many different opportunities,” he wrote. “Today I had the opportunity to film another event in DC. I want to assure you all that I had no negative interaction with law enforcement and also did not participate in the destruction that may take place.”

A spokesman for the West Virginia House of Delegates told The Associated Press that House Speaker Roger Hanshaw, a Republican, “will evaluate all the potential consequences once the whole situation is understood.”

“While freedom of speech and peaceful protest are a core value of American society, the storming of government buildings and participation in a violent deliberate disruption of one of our country’s most fundamental political institutions is a crime that is to the full extent of the law should be prosecuted, “Hanshaw said in a statement.

House Minority Leader Doug Skaff Jr., a Democrat, said Evans ‘behavior was unacceptable and called on Hanshaw to stop Evans’ access to the Statehouse and launch an investigation.

A ceremonial gathering was held at the Capitol to confirm the election of President Joe Biden when the pro-Trump mob stormed the building. It was suddenly interrupted and members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence had to seek refuge.

Four people died during the chaos, including a woman who was fatally shot by police.
