The UN has warned that Islamic extremist groups are planning a “series of attacks” that will lift the restrictions on COVID-19

Al Qaeda militias in Mali
Al Qaeda militias in Mali

Islamic extremists are planning a “series of pre-planned attacks” for when the imposed restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, led by the United Nations.

An informative based on the intelligence gathered of various lands during the last six months that he Islamic State (ISIS, by its flags in English) seeks to “end the margins of the news” with an oil of violence, and signaled that the group recently insisted on its partisans dedicating less time to social and more speeches in launching operations against them alone.

ISIS has enjoyed a cautious audience, with many people unable to sell their cases and spending more time online. It is possible that hayan accumulated sanctions are being detected by the time it appears to be due in due course “, said the information provided by UN specialists that monitor international sanctions against Al Qaeda and ISIS, and which were cited by the British The guardian.

Last October, the word ISIS Abu Hamza Al Qurashi, called on the group’s partisans “to dedicate less time to social media and more efforts in high-impact attacks, prison flights and other operational activities”.

(PHOTO OF ARCHIVE) Iraqi security forces carrying an ISIS banner, through its retreats in its territories.  REUTERS / Stringer / File Photo
(PHOTO OF ARCHIVE) Iraqi security forces carrying an ISIS banner, through its retreats in its territories. REUTERS / Stringer / File Photo

Although the planning of terrorist attacks is relatively low in “zones without conflict” such as Europe and the United States, the UN analysts believe that the pandemic is fueling important opportunities for Islamic extremists in the local government in parts of the world where they are well established.

“The pandemic has ravaged the governors in the zones of conflict more than that which has inhibited the terrorist groups, and its impact on the economy, the government’s resources and the assignments for international cooperation over the risk of aggravating the situation more, ”said the informant.

This is particularly true in sub-Saharan Africa, one of the most populous parts of the world where Islamic extremists have recently gained significant support. For example, diez soldieros murieron en la attribute region de Mopti, en Malí, the principles of this week, when his camp was attacked by extremists that he expedited rapidly in the Sahel in the last years.

Islamic extremist groups have reacted to different ways in the pandemic. While some seek to address the global crisis in order to launch new attacks, others are concentrating mainly on strengthening local support.

Sana.  (Yemen).  EFE / EPA / YAHYA ARHAB
Sana. (Yemen). EFE / EPA / YAHYA ARHAB

Initially, ISIS’s regodeó with the COVID-19 en su revista Al Naba, description of the virus and the castigo para las “naciones cruzadas” and carrying out attacks against Occidente mientras que este se tambaleaba por la pandemia. It is embarrassing, in the posterior editions, rectification is published extending articles in those that say that it is wrong that Muslims believe that salvation is enforced.

In contrast, Al Qaeda issues six pages of advice and comments about COVID-19, arguing that although the virus has projected “a gloomy and painful gloom over the world”, the allegation of the worldwide pandemic was due to “our own predictions and … the obscurity and moral corruption … generalized in the Muslim countries ”.

The information from the ONU company that ISIS continues to promote the narrative of the “divine rule on arrogance and infidelity” with respect to the pandemic, and exhorts its successors to attack only those who are suing the anti-terrorist defenses. Without embarrassment, the idea of ​​converting the virus into a median army is the use of partisan counterparts to infect the opponents, who suggest the group in March, “It has not progressed as a practice”.

The information below shows that the groups have resisted, many have encountered significant changes: Al Qaeda has lost a large number of key players, the battle for influence between the extremist actions in the African region of the Sahel is costly and ISIS today is capable of reclaiming significant territory in Iraq or Syria.


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