The Real Academia Nacional de Medicina awards to doctors Jesús García-Foncillas and María Dolores Sánchez Niño


The Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España (RANM) has awarded the Premio Nacional de Medicina 2020 to the director of OncoHealth del Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz, the doctor Jesús García-Foncillas; and the Cartagena Award to the Chief Investigator of the Institute of Sanitary Investigation of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation (IIS-FJD), the doctor María Dolores Sánchez Niño.

The doctor García-Foncillas is the titular professor of Oncology of the Autonomous University of Madrid and director of the Cátedra de Medicina Individualizada Molecular de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Licensed in Medicine by the University of Zaragoza, Director of OncoHealth is a doctor at the University of Navarre, director of the Department of Oncology and the Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics of the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), at the time de la Facultad de Medicina de dicha universidad.

Author of more than 260 articles (Pubmed) and specialized bookstores, García-Foncillas has expanded the scope of its multi-national and international level cargo bin. Among others, President of the X National Congress of the Spanish Association for Research on Cancer (ASEICA), Secretary of the ASEICA, President of the IV and V Congress of the Spanish Society of Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacogenetics (SEFF), Co-ordinator of the Genome Program and Proteómica de la Red de Centros de Laccer de Instituto de Salud Carlos III, y vocal de la Junta Directive de la Sección de Lancier Hereditario de la SEOM y de la Junta Directive de la Federación Española de Sociedades de Oncología (FESEO).

However, from 2007 to 2014, the head of the Department of Oncology of the Jiménez Foundation Díaz will be Vice President of the National Commission on Oncology Medical of the Council of Specialties of the Ministry of Health and Consumption, and in 2012 and 2016 President of the Sociology (MOS), since 1998 academic correspondent of the Real Academia de Medicina de Zaragoza, and socio honorarium of the Sociedad Mexicana de Oncología (SMEO) since 2005.

Currently, the doctor García-Foncillas is a member of the Patronate of the Merck Salud Foundation, patron of the ECO Foundation (Excellence and Quality in Oncology), member of the Scientific Committee of the Olga Torres Foundation, and coordinator and scientific director of the Committee.

For his part, the doctor Sánchez Niño is licensed in Biology at the University of Jaén and doctor of Biomedicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid. In 2015, the head of research and the IIS-FJD Research Group and Nefrología y ha sido, in addition, is a postdoctoral researcher in Cancer Research (United Kingdom), the University of Michigan and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and New York (United States).

Author of 175 articles that have been quoted for more than 26,000 times, the doctor has led a dozen projects, sending his paper as the principal investigator of a European Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project in 2020. In 2015 he completed the Master in Bioinformatics and the Computational Biology of the Carlos III Health Institute and the National Center for Oncology Investigations (ISCIII / CNIO).

The investigator also has his own patent on new treatment for renal disease. During its trayectory, it received prestigious galleries, launching in 2017 the Basic Award of Neurology of the Renal Foundation Iñigo Alvarez of Toledo.
