The Hacienda Secretariat offers an update on the $ 600 de-escalation process

The Secretariat of Hacienda, Francisco Parés Alicea, is conducting highs, lows, an orientation on the second round of payments of the economic estimate for the emergence of COVID-19 which includes a check for $ 600 for the citizens.

There is a “virtual orientation” on the Facebook page of the Department of Education and you can see the transmission and continuation.

Here is the transmission:

Second Round $ 600 | Direct Informativo con el Secretario

Do you have any doubts about the $ 600 incentive? What should you do if you receive the $ 1,200 by Planilla 2018? What do you think about non-filers (‘non-filers’)? ¡Make a nuestro live mañana a la 13:00 noon! Participate in the conversation with the Secretary of Hacienda and his work team with his comments and questions.

Posted by Departamento de Hacienda on Thursday, January 7, 2021

The $ 600 check is being sent to the majority of citizens, following the project drafted by President Donald Trump.

The Republican Mayor of the Senate of the United States on Tuesday gave the Democrats a try to raise $ 2,000 in support of the citizens.

Previously, Paris Alicea informed its agency the distribution plan for this second round of economic stimulus checks. Currently awaiting the approval of the same.

“The key will be fast the @USTreasury we approve the Distribution Plan. For the first time it took 36 days to read the Ley CARES company report, a record in comparison with the time it agreed to take other programs in previous quarters, ”he said, adding a possible opportunity to start distributing the funds.

Mantente connected to for the amplification of this story.

Second Round $ 600 | Direct Informativo con el Secretario

Do you have any doubts about the $ 600 incentive? What should you do if you receive the $ 1,200 by Planilla 2018? What do you think about non-filers? N n¡Conctate to our live mañana at 13:00 pm! Participate in the conversation with the Secretary of Hacienda and his work team with his comments and questions.

Posted by Departamento de Hacienda on Thursday, January 7, 2021

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