The Guzmán-Pinal clan is also tambalea tras the grave denial of sexual abuse of Frida Sofía to his abuelo

Dezquierda a derecha: Frida Sofía, Alejandra Guzmán y Enrique Guzmán.
Dezquierda a derecha: Frida Sofía, Alejandra Guzmán y Enrique Guzmán.GETTY IMAGES

The revelation that the model Frida Sofia had this week about her family has been able to start, again, the Guzmán-Pinal dynasty. The young man, 29 years old, has accused his abuser, Mexican singer and actor Enrique Guzmán, of having sexually abused her since she was five years old. “Me manoseó”, breaks to lose in an interview in the program The minute I changed my destination, by Gustavo Adolfo Infante. The confession, which included Guzmán’s malicious treatises on his ex, actress Silvia Pinal, has unleashed a crucible of accusations between the members of the powerful clan of the Mexican spectacle.

Hija de la estrella de la canción en Latinoamérica Alejandra Guzmán, Frida Sofía definieer ‘n su abuelo como “un hombre muy asqueroso, muy abusivo” que “siempre” le daba miedo. ‘It’s a crime that hurts me. The most astonishing of all is that when you are so chiquita and you think that it is what an abuelito has done to him that he does not know, he has no ideas or ideas, no conscience, and he is always normal ”, revealed by first of all Mexican society, which presented these lawsuits against Guzman. In the midst of aggravation, the pride that felt the abuse prevailed: “What a shame, but on some occasion it has been felt that rich people are being held to account for their intimate parts. Why do you call me that day: ¿entonces, yo estoy enferma o qué onda? ”.

Enrique Guzmán, 78 years old, has denied history and accused him of failing to receive psychiatric treatment: “I am not a degenerate person. Yo soy un caballero ”. Although at a very early stage, both arranged to ask Frida Sofía, other members of the family denied that they had finally done so. Alejandra Guzmán broadcast a video video in which he defended his father’s denunciations: “It is very sad to see my father because he is passing because he is also passing on his accusations without grounds, te ofrezco Frida arreglar esto de la mejor manera, buscar un buen terapeuta ”.

Madre e hija llevan tiempo distanciadas en una historia envervesada que incluye drogas, peleas y abusos. Frida Sofía maintains that no one knows the material aspect of Alejandra Guzmán, who defines as addicted “a todas las drogas” and accuses her of being hosted by her partner Christian Estrada or the lanzarle botellas. The Mexican rock queen is known for her history of surviving abortions, depression, cancer and various decades of operations.

Frida Sofía hassapié en que su madre consumi las sustancias delella ella y que tuvo sex con humbres en la misma de habitation de hotel donde se alojaba durante las giras, desde los cinco hasta la 11 años. Guzmán’s encounters end up on various occasions, following the young model’s, as his men abuse her. “I had to go to another room with the men my mother knew and took me to the hotel quarter. When she was asleep or unconscious Venice came. Someone with violin ”, revels llorando.

Through his mother-in-law’s stories, Frida Sofía posted her version on her Instagram account, accumulating 1.6 million followers. Here he shared a long message: “Mom, I’m intrigued to be with the father who knows perfectly who she is. I know that violaba and pegaba puñetazos a mi abuela, llorabas de pensar en sus ojitos morados, a ti te tiró los dientes, siempre abusó de ti ”.

The young man posted a video clip of Guzmán recognizing that his father was Silvia Pinal. The 89-year-old actress, a pioneer of the theater, conspired with Luis Buñuel’s muse and one of Mexico’s most important performers, had these days silenced. “No soy indifferent, because it’s familiar to me. Frida, tu abuela te ama intensamente. We need both, ”wrote Pinal, who does not care that he encounters media lies to resolve this situation.

Frida Sofía, who has shown herself to be very organized about the value of counting on the abuse, has made sure that she “breaks the silence chain”. “As much as I tire of it as I have so many familiar families that my only responder is that he has mental problems”, he wrote in his speeches. Mexico is the country of the OECD with mayor cases of child abuse, with 5.4 million cases per year.

