The FDA has just issued a warning on this COVID measure


Preventing the spread of the coronavirus is an essential step in combating the pandemic. Testing has long been one of the primary focus areas, as people are advised to isolate themselves if they get a positive result from spreading COVID to someone else. However, this method may not be infallible – especially depending on the type of test used. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only issued a warning about the possibility of inaccurate results with one specific COVID test. Read on to find out what test the organization is concerned about, and for more news on the coronavirus: If this part of your body hurts, you may have it.

Woman holding COVID lid

The FDA issued a warning on January 4 to warn patients and healthcare providers about false results of the Curative COVID test. According to the report, this COVID test is particularly prone to false negative results. This real-time PCR test is manufactured according to Curative and is intended to deliver results within 48 hours. However, the FDA says that the test is often not used under the right conditions, which creates a ‘greater risk’ of inaccurate results. And for more COVID warnings, dr. Fauci issued this warning about a new COVID voltage.

Man gets a ramp COVID test

According to the FDA, curative tests should be administered by a trained healthcare professional and should only be used on symptomatic patients within 14 days of the onset of their COVID symptom. During a clinical study for this test, all false negatives were seen in patients who were asymptomatic during the test.

The FDA says that a negative result from a curative test does not necessarily mean that you do not have the virus, and that it “should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or patient management decisions.” The test should be used primarily to confirm the virus in those who already have COVID symptoms. And sign up for our daily newsletter for more information.


The FDA issued this warning because there are detrimental consequences to having a false negative. “Risks for a patient from a false negative outcome include: delayed or lack of supportive care, lack of monitoring of infected individuals and their household or other close contact for symptoms leading to increased risk of COVID-19 spread within the community, or other unintended adverse events, “the FDA stated. And for more risks of coronavirus, these people run the risk of catching the new COVID strain, study found.

woman being tested while driving by testing

As a start in Los Angeles, Curative tests thousands of Los Angelenos every day Los Angeles Business Journal reports. However, the company also has test areas in Florida and Texas. And according to NBC, Curative recently expanded to Washington, DC to test members of Congress after an increase in COVID cases in Congress.

If you are concerned about your results and are concerned that you have been tested with a curative test, the FDA says that you should contact your doctor. You should also have received a fact sheet with your report of the test results, with the test name on it, so that you can confirm the manufacturer. And for more guidance from the FDA, the FDA has just ruled that you can not do these 4 things with the COVID vaccines.
