The election is very important, but it is essential to participate in the repayment

Like the FMLN, like ARENA and the PDC, they have analysis and changes to be able to preview the results of the elections.

The results of the recent elections, the opposition parties have accepted the wrong and they need to make a new engineering front in each of the most obvious declines.

The legislative commissions of 28 February reconfigured the political map in El Salvador and gave it to the traditional parties: ARENA in FMLN with a caida in its caudal of votes up to 79% in comparison with the last election.

The FMLN, for example, increased its spending in 2009 by more than 900,000 logos, but in 2012 it was launched and launched in 2018 when it exceeded its most stringent descent to just over 175,000 votes.

In light of their results, March 1, Óscar Ortiz, Secretary General of the FMLN, acknowledged that the results of the comics were one of the most unfavorable and were “an irreversible trend” since 2015.

Puede-konsultant: Resultado de Elecciones 2021 para Alcaldes y Diputados

Ante is the ultimate golfer, the leading ephemeralist advocate that changes the statutes and has a reengineering in the party of izquierda accord to the news.

The FMLN from its first participation in the elections of the country in 1994 took place in a referendum, in this occasion obtuvieron 21 scans, consecrated itself to the second Salvadoran political force, where in its second participation in comics in 1997 obtained an important one from 2006 to have 32 legislators in the Assembly Legislative has to be 10 years old in the government.

For the arena ARENA the caida has minor, but also has lost votes. Furthermore, 2018 made a contribution of 800,000 votes per 28F for 295,000 votes.

However, the tricolor party has shown that it is aware that the results of the last elections are not in favor and it is attributed to the fact that the country has concentrated more on the

Executive, however, admits that there are changes in the party in order to “in a responsible manner” search for new forms of communication with the public to listen to their needs.

As the FMLN as ARENA and the PDC say analysis and changes to be able to prevail ante results of the elections. Photo EDH / René Quintanilla

Eduardo Escobar, executive director of Acción Ciudadana, said that opposition parties had reconciled with their derogation and reform of institutionalism, but did not hesitate to say that the leaders would be burdened. “It’s an issue that is debilitating and debilitating,” he said.

“(The parties must) establish a transitional commission to ensure that an institutional reform process and analysis is conducted, because what is happening and what has always happened to an electoral district, what the parties only hacen “cosmetic adjustments”, has no depth about the party’s rumor, it seems that there are changes cambios “, dobbeltsteen Escobar.

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If he has not heard from the opposition parties a real and ongoing reconciliation of the responsibility that he has in the situation that he is living in, then he has listened to voices that he was guilty of what he passed and did not accept an immediate responsibility of the poor management that he hecho.

Escobar commented that, in its analysis, the parties had submitted to the civil society organizations or the Constitutional Chamber what it had done in the elections, which in reality were the results of a malady party which it held during many years.

“I believe that if the conductors are continuous and have a pair of cosmetic shifts on here, what we are going to demonstrate is that we will not learn anything and we will not hear anything. I was seriously inclined to think that the parties had not heard, he had not received the message that he had told the people. It is not necessary to be alone as a situation to make an analysis of the internal conditions of the party, it is necessary to include in this analysis changes and evaluation of what the people are thinking “, Dollesteen Escobar.

Carlos Mauricio Hernández, Professor of the Department of Philosophy at the Central American University José Simeón Cañas, told the Infobae media that “the fundamental reason for this change of electoral preferences is that both ARENA and the FMLN will fail salcan al electorado salvadoreño: pan, paz y trabajo ”.

Aggregate that “in the 20 years of governing bodies or in the ten years of the Izquierda there will be a company under which the Mayors will have living conditions, security or employees with just wages. It is no coincidence that the FMLN is ready to disappear ”.

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In addition, investigator Jeannette Aguilar, also consulted by Infobae, aggregates another ingredient that has been in the running for votes for opposition parties: the Nayib Bukele campaign.

“In its electoral strategy of capitalizing on the traditional parties with a massive and multimillion-dollar advertising marketing campaign, together with the abortion and scandalous use of the governing apparatus to make proselytism in favor of its party, it has no margin of competition and invisibility to the rest of the contingents ”, explained Aguilar.

Parties on the occasion of the need for a refund

Eduardo Escobar says that in this case it is necessary to enter into a market analysis of the parties such as ARENA, FMLN, PCN and PDC as if they were involved in a commercial theme, such as an example, where a product can be very good, but if it’s a bad brand we are not going to increase product sales, “we do not know if ARENA’s and FMLN’s political brands are able to reconstruct, oxygenate and keep to death vigencia, it’s up to them to have political parties , tienen que hacer el annalisis si la brand todavía puede vender, ser viable com option par el electorado ”, explains.

Note that if this brand does not respond to a resume, it may cause further inversions or changes that may not occur. This analysis is not only meant to be made within the parties, we will call on the people, the people and ask them the possibility that exists that the people want to create in these “political markets”, and be a “no” of the publicity the party can change at the same time with different actions or will definitely not continue.

When it comes to thinking about repaying parties, in the case of the FMLN party only when thinking about creating a party of Izquierda, or in the case of the known parties as a right, it is in question and first of all “if the citizens todavía occupy the ideological ubiquitous as a form of positioning ”, if the electorate has not been identified with the izquierda or the derecha.

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“The people do not like it as if they were children or children, entities and appearances with a party Izquierda, that is where they can be cheated. If you want to be the first one, then the people will be placed in these terms of origin and right, and if the people use these categories, they will have the objective population that they will have, ”he said.

In addition to reimbursing new parties also need to wait for the reality that they need to plant their share of the population’s thinking, observe more what you are looking for in the majority, there are lies, forms and styles of life.

“It seems that these parties have not adjusted to the new times, they do not want to say that they have a load of their principles and values ​​that they have to adjust to the new generations and the new realities, like the commercial markets for maintenance. by adjusting according to the criterion, the perception and the desires of the people to their product, and therefore it is maintained between the preference of the people, and those that do not logarig adapt to perdieron ”, explains.

It is said that if political parties do not connect with the logic and desires of citizenship, then “congelados en el timo” and they stand for an electorate that does not exist, they stand for those who want to vote, and It is clear that the political parties have not understood him, he also agrees with the statements made by the political analyst Álvaro Artiga, who mentions that there is a “generational change” that is taking place in the traditional parties. “Our parties are talking about an electorate that does not exist, it is what happened,” Escobar doubled.

The FMLN has since its first participation in the country’s elections in 1994 held a referendum, in which it will hold 21 screenings, consecrating itself to the second Salvadoran political force. Photo EDH / Archive

Review of the games that will be played in the power

The president of the PDC, Rodolfo Parker, on March 2, recounted the results of the elections, a party founded in 1960, where his papel will always be looking for the common good, he says his leader.

However, there have been changes in the Parker party, which states that “every political party has the imperial period of irresponsible time, in a healthy combination of what is experienced as a guarantee of renovation”.

According to the PCN party, which ran a political institute in its infancy in the 1960s, and since 1979 it has been governed by various governing bodies, it has not yet made any official statements about its ability to maintain it in time.

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Eduardo Escobar mentions that these traditional parties have lost their time. “The patient is the acabo (in the population) the animal the space in ARENA because there is no tenian confinement in the FMLN, the landlord has this barrier, the animal can be in the FMLN, it is ratified in the next election, but there is no change under the conditions of life, we will see that governmental management has no beneficiaries, it will have no consequences, the passion is the acousto ”, comment.

In addition to the fact that the current Governor will be aware of this very phenomenal phenomenon, given the creation of the public, support is not given if there is a blank check, and if the actuation is acted upon as a matter of experience with previous governors of other parties .

“I believe that with the President (Antonio) Saca, the people have not given a blank check to ARENA, with (Salvador) Sánchez Cerén not given a blank check to the FMLN, because they have the degree of incompleteness and insecurity institute ahí, entonces, ya no era hagamos lo que hagamos la gente nos va a terminar votando, ya eso no se puede ver así ”, expone Escobar.

Explain that in the case of New Ideas and President Nayib Bukele did not speak to the ideological population, which he clearly stated, and the key used by the Salvadoran president in favor of the people was “sacrificing the corrupt to devolve it” robado ”, no word on whether to search or download.

With the results of the 28th of February, New Ideas will be able to hold a qualified majority in the Legislative Assembly and more than the middle ages of the country. Photo EFE / Rodrigo Sura / Archive
