The Cuban Communist Party declares “national security” economy in food production | International

The VIII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, which concludes the Monday with the voluntary withdrawal of Raúl Castro and the symbolic jubilee of the old guard, confirmed in its first journals that the main party that plays in the country is economical and that of result of this ajedrez depende en gran medida the surveillance of the revolution. Tanto in the informal sentraal al Congreso, presented the fires by Raúl, as in the commissions in which work the 300 delegates who assisted the conclave, the economy, and specifically the production of food in these moments the grave crisis and disabastemimo, fueron the themes kloof. “The productive structure of logistics does not satisfy the demand levels of the population. This is not just a priority, it is a national security issue, ”said Prime Minister Manuel Marrero.

Marrero presides over the Economic and Social Committee, one of the three in which the delegates are represented. It deals with relevant issues, such as the new economic policy guidelines that Deben governs in recent years and the so-called “conceptualization and updating of the model”, of the important documents that have been approved by the Cuban communists and deben defines the momentum of economic reform.

On the eve of the inauguration of the VIII Congress, Marrero and the President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, —which enclaves another of the commissions — will meet a meeting with representatives of the private sector and state-owned enterprises. Ambos signaled the governing body’s compromise in impulse the state-of-the-art Management Forms (FGNE), which is not the same as the private sector, which is more dynamic and called to occupy a fundamental gap in the reactivity of the economy.

In the exchange with autonomous workers, the Prime Minister confirmed that the legislation for the legalization and functioning of micro-enterprises and pimps is being prepared and will be implemented soon. “We will have a right of way, and the Government will immediately reaffirm its vision on paper that it will increase the socialist state’s enterprise in the national economy, ratify the priority and importance in consolidation and development of other forms of state management” , dijo Marrero.

Various economists have called attention to the achievement of a meeting of the Congress and will consider it a good sign. “If the voluntary policy and the practical evidence are firmly expressed in favor of the reform course, if it is planted in the document of the Conceptualization and the content of the new Constitution will be alive and dynamic, if the results of the Congress confirm with its authority politics this course, we will be on track to overcome the challenging challenges that afflict Cuba today, “said economist Julio Carranza, who, like other analysts, from positions of interest, advises that we have time.

Tampoco has recently passed the recent announcement of 63 mediators to reactivate agri-production, including the authorization of the campsites to commercialize carnival of res and leche libremente, one can complete the compromises with the state, even if it were there. The same day that information from the media, the Minister of Agriculture, Gustavo Rodríguez Royero, was made.

At the moment, the situation is delicate in Cuba’s calls. The tithes are unbalanced, the food is scarce and the coals are desperate, and for more problems the monetary reform complex in the course has lost to Cubans much of its purchasing power. With large numbers of countries, practically ingrained in the concept of tourism debilitating the coronavirus pandemic — which in these days is a good record of contagiousness —, in addition to the grave economic auctions used by the 240 mediocre adopted by the Trump administration of mandate, Cuba urgently needs oxygen. And there is a consensus that this oxygen can only prove the changes that the proprietary authorities introduced in the economic policies, then it is clear that the consequences have now not worked.

Cómo quedará definite la “conceptualization and update of the model” in the Congress is one of the things to see, although it is clearly stated in the central information Raúl Castro, in Cuba will be following the state enterprise and central planning. In his discourse Castro warned that the opening of the private sector tenders “limits”, although not the definition with precision. The documents that are approved, and the life and economic emergencies that Cuba has been available for use. El asunto, as Marrero says, is of “national security”.
