The Chamber of Representatives approves Joe Biden’s $ 1.9 billion living plan, which includes the $ 1,400 check

The Chamber of Deputies approves this Saturday’s 1.9 billion dollar COVID-19 package, introduced by President Joe Biden, and includes a round of $ 1,400 checks for millions of elegant people.

The Chamber of Deputies, controlled by the Democrats, voted 219 against 212 to approve the project at the 2 am hour (Costa Este hour), with a unanimous opposition on the part of the Republicans. All Democrats, except for two (Kurt Schrader, by Oregon, and Jared Golden, by Maine), voted’n guns.

The package includes miles of dollars for cars and coronavirus tests, school repertoire, state and local governors, restaurants and airlines. También exemplifies tax extensions to persons with minor minorities and their families with them. Asimismo, including a federal bonus of $ 400 per week and up to $ 3,600 per year, for one year.

The legislation of the economic recovery due to the financial impact of the pandemic, the direct checks totaling $ 1,400 they will receive the persons with initials of up to 75,000 annual dollars, the matrimonios that ganen has 150,000 dollars in addition. Apart from this annual entry, the people receiving my money mean more than ever.

[El plan de estímulo de Biden con cheques de $1,400 avanza en semana clave en el Congreso: esto es lo que incluye hasta ahora]

“This night, the Congress is taking steps to aplastar al virus“, in the plenum the President of the Chamber of Representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and calibrated the” transformation “legislation to mitigate poverty.

The Republicans manifest, for their part, on rechazo to the legislation. The leader of the minority of the Cámara Baja, the Republican Kevin McCarthy, the caliphate of “sueño liberal” and said that the democrats the taban “approve to death”.

Kentucky Republican Representative Andy Barr categorizes the project as a “list of tax-free and irresponsible liberal” that seeks to pay people to work.

To log the approval of the plan in the Senate, the Democrats can use a common process as reconciliation presupuestaria. It would allow the median legislation to advance a simple majority vote, instead of requiring 60 votes and, thus, the support of the Republicans.

The Democrats want the project to be approved by them March 14th, which will explain the performance by example.

The Capitol, behind a billboard during a demonstration in support of the aid pandemic organized by Shutdown DC, at the National Mall, on February 25, 2021 in Washington, DC.Getty Images

Create a debate on the minimum wage of $ 15

The proposal approved Include the minimum wage increase of $ 15 per hour. Some Democrats are pushing this move until the very moment that the Senate decides that it will not be able to run between the two projects.

For this reason, it has been said that dicho increment was taken in the close days in the Cámara Alta.

As an alternative to the federal minimum wage increase, which is $ 7.25 per hour since 2009, Senate Democrats are studying a tax deduction on large companies that do not pay a minimum wage of $ 15 per hour. The leader of the Senate mayor, Democrat Charles E. Schumer, is considering the possibility of including the disposition in the bill, he said, will assess Democrats in the periodical The Washington Post.

[Sí, aumentar el salario mínimo a $15 sacaría de la pobreza a casi un millón de personas]

Millions of state-owned companies continue to need help, while the economy is recovering from the generalization of business and the effects of the crisis. At the same time, the stadiums were waiting for their turn to vacate and less than 14% of the population had their first injection. This is where the country surpasses the colorful mark of the 500,000 deaths by the COVID-19.

Learn more about NBC News and The Washington Post.
