The ancient monastery halls will solve the mystery of a pirate assassination in Sail XVII | Univision World News

A pup of monetas desenterradas de un huerto de frutas in the rural areas of Rhode Island and other areas of the New England can help in the case of one of the most ancient fugitives of the planet.

El villano de esta historia: un pirate Engels asesino que se omgeving en el kriminele más buscado del mundo after sacking a boat transporting Muslim peregrinos to India from La Meca, the elusive capture of a captive trader was carried by a slave trader.

“It’s a New Story of a Perfect Case Crime”, said Jim Bailey, an avid historian and metal detector who found the primera moneda árbe intacta del siglo XVII in a shop in Middletown.

This ancient bolsillo cambio, one of the oldest antiquities ever found in North America, could explain how the pirate captain Henry Every appeared in the wind.

On September 7, 1695, the pirate boat Fancy, commanded by Every, embossed and captured the Ganj-i-Sawai, a real boat owned by the Indian emperor Aurangzeb, entones one of the most powerful men in the world. On board is not only the stones that regress from his peregrine, but also tens of millions of dollars in gold and silver.

This is one of the most lucrative and attractive robots of all time.

The historical relations dicen that su banda torture and killing of men on the edge of the Indian bar and violin in the women antes de escapar in Las Bahamas, a refuge of pirates. But the voice of his criminals was corrected expeditiously, and the English king Guillermo III, despite a huge pressure from a scandalized India and the commercial giant of the Oriental India Company, offered a large compensation for his cabbages.

“If you search on Google ‘first world persecution’, appearing like Cada”, says Bailey. “Everything in the world is looking for these types”.

Hasta ahora, los historiores solo sabían que Elke finally sailed in Ireland in 1696, donde el camino se enfrió. Pero Bailey dobbeltsteen que las monedas que él y otros han ech evidence de evidence de famos pirate is directed by first time to the colonies of stadiums, donde él y su tripulación usaron el botín para los gastos diarios mientras huía.

The first full-fledged month of 2014 at Sweet Berry Farm in Middletown, a place that had Bailey’s curiosity anticipated years ago when he encountered ancient colonial monuments, a Zapato sail from sail XVIII and some mosquitoes.

Wearing a metal detector on the sole, receiving a signal, excavator and golfer literally paysdirt: a tamño plateau oscurecida del tamaño de una moneda de diez centavos which was initially assumed to be Spanish or the money paid for by the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

To look more closely, the text in the year of the moon accelerates the pulse. “Pensé, ‘Dios mío'”, dijo.

The investigation confirmed that the exotic world was destroyed in 1693 in Yemen. It’s immediately generative question, says Bailey, that there is no evidence that the colonies of the United States that luchan to gain life in the New World have been able to travel to any part of the Middle East to trade has decades

Desde entonces, otros detectoristas han disenterrado 15 monthly additional months of the same era: 10 and Massachusetts, tries Rhode Island en dos in Connecticut. Another was found in Carolina del Norte, where the master records show that some of the men from Every read to the earth for the first time.

“Because part of its tripulation could establish itself in New England and integrate,” said Sarah Sportman, Connecticut’s state archaeologist, who found one of the moons in 2018 during the excavation in the course of a XVII sail.

“It’s like a money laundering plan”, dijo.

Although so impenetrable now, Everybody can go all out to meet a slave trader, an emerging profession in the New England of 1690. From the Bahamas, including being deported to the French island of Reunion to conceive negroes viera bien, dijo Bailey.

The recorded records show that a boat called Sea Flower, used by the pirates after abandoning the Fancy, navigated the length of this coast. Llegó con casi cuatro dozen slaves in 1696 in Newport, Rhode Island, which was converted into an important slave trade center in North America in the XVIII Sail.

“There is an extensive documentation of primary sources that demonstrate that the colonies in the United States carry out piracy bases”, dijo Bailey, 53, holds a degree in Anthropology from the University of Rhode Island and work as an archaeological assistant in the explorations of the pirate boat Wydah Gally. naufragó in Cape Cod in the finals of the decade of 1980.

Bailey, who works diary to analyze the security of the state penitentiary, has published his papers in a review of the American Numismatic Society, an organization dedicated to the study of coins and medals.

Archaeologists and historians familiar with Bailey’s work, but not involved in it, say they are intrigued and believe that there is a new story about one of the most pernicious criminal mysteries in the world.

“Jim’s investigation is impeccable,” said Kevin McBride, professor of archeology at the University of Connecticut. “It’s brilliant. It’s really an interesting story”.

Mark Hanna, Associate Professor of History at the University of California-San Diego and an expert on piracy in the United States, said when he first took pictures of Bailey’s moon, “lose his head”.

“Encontra esas monedas, para mí, fue algo enorme”, dijo Hanna, author of the 2015 book, “Pirate Nests and the Rise of the British Empire”. “The history of the Captain Every is of world importance. This material object, if any, can help you explain it “.

All the hazes inspired a 2020 book by Steven Johnson, “Enemy of All Mankind”; The most popular video series “Uncharted” from PlayStation; and a cinematographic version of Sony Pictures of “Uncharted”, protagonized by Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg and Antonio Banderas, which will focus on the principles of 2022.

Bailey, who guards his most valiant halls at his home in a security box, says he will be investigated.

“For me, it has always been the emotion of the house, not the money”, dijo. “The only one who can find these objects are the lost stories behind them”.

